You mean Greenlanders don’t want to invite a fucker that’s trying to colonize them in for a spot of tea? Color me surprised.
Maybe they could try bribing homeless people with food again?
Maybe they should invite them in and give them the most pants-shitting sugar-free thing they have. I would not even want to be a fly on the wall on that ride home.
Ah, you mean imported Hákarl from Iceland?
They should serve them the rotten smelly fish which is banned from planes because people puke just from being in the vicinity
Lutefisk? That’s Norwegian.
Honestly tho Hakarl and Lutefisk are locked in an eternal battle for the revolting seafood jerky award
I think you’re thinking of Surströmming, which is Swedish and absolutely vile. (Properly prepared) Lutefisk is quite mild though definitely weird, even if you’re used to stuff like pickled herring. Ordinary pickled herring is fermented in brine (and own enzymes), intensity depends on age at the tail end of things you get fish sauce, Surströmming is fermented in lactic acid, Lutefisk is not fermented at all it’s stockfish (dried without salting) rehydrated in lye, then properly rinsed and cooked. It’s mostly the texture that’s weird.
If you find yourself in Scandinavia one thing to definitely try is elk salami.
Yes! Surströmming is the right one. Years ago I saw a video of a couple of guys trying to eat it. One managed to shove some in his mouth before the puking started but the other started puking as soon as he smelt it.
That would be worth a special import :DI watched a video of someone demonstrating how to properly eat it and it involved a whole process of opening it up in a bucket of water and staying away to let the gases out, then taking it out and putting it in sandwiches with vegetables
That sounds far more revolting that Lutefisk. Lutefisk just isn’t pleasant, but I don’t like seafood in the slightest.
Hákarl made me projectile vomit. Literally. But, pickled herring on the other hand, I learned to love.
I don’t know if it has that effect normally or you mean it would be laced, but they probably wouldn’t eat a strong-smelling food in the first place. (Speaking for myself though, I sure would try as long as I know what it is.)
I have no experience with Hakarl or Lutefisk, but from what I’ve heard about Lutefisk, they wouldn’t have to eat it. Just opening the can in their presence would send a message.
That’s surströmming
Oh, yeah, you’re right!
Sometimes it’s better to not know what it is.
I probably wouldn’t have tried durian or nattou if I didn’t know what they were, but maybe I’ll notice some exception some day. (I might have still tried haggis since I don’t recall it having any smell to it, but I wouldn’t feel better not knowing what it was.)
Haggis doesn’t really have a strong smell, tastes good though (btw, if you ate it in the US, it probably didn’t have sheep lung in it because it’s banned over there)
I hope to try haggis someday - at a camp out one of the other Dad’s had all the kids making something he called similar to haggis, and it was really good. The only problem is we let the kids try first so we were running out of organs by the time adults got to try some - I did not like the ones that were mostly liver
TIL. I’ve bought freeze dried lamb lung for my pups (they love it), but didn’t realize lung is banned for human consumption in the USA.
I had it here in Canada, decades ago. My memories are vague but I remember thinking it wasn’t bad at all. (Probably no lung, but there was definitely stomach.)
Vance with his weird interaction with a human donut shop worker:"hello fellow human
I actually AM surprised that they don’t have one village idiot who loves Trump. It always seems like there’s one asshole who wants to wave the Trump flag as a fuck-you to their world.
When will these fools be able to travel to when they’re not the vise-president, etc anymore?
Depends on whether they have a time machine, else it’ll be into the future at the same rate as the rest of us.
I’m proud of my inuit brothers and sisters. The Americans may finally fucking get the hint. Apparently it wasn’t enough to see that one inuk rip up American dollars when those cringe American youtubers came to give out maga hats an free money earlier this year.
Trump and his subhumans thought that the greenland-denmark conflict would benefit them, but honestly, it’s got nothing to do with them. We have tried to sort out our differences while America has been an annoying mosquito trying to make our relationship troubles about them. Dumbasses. Greenland is their own people. They are their own nation and someday it will be official, but we aren’t there yet and while they have a lot of issues with Denmark, there’s no doubt they prefer us over America until they can stand on their own feet. It was never a question.
Particularly as the US has a no backsies law, which makes it illegal for any US state or territory to gain independence in the future.
The British Empire also had a no secession clause… oh wait
It did not. No Parliament can bind a future Parliament. Indeed the vast majority of possessions gained independence via legal means.
Actually that’s exactly what constitutions are for and why chabges to the constitutions requres a larger majority thsn for normal laws
External self-determination cares little about national laws. That’s kinda the whole point. The real question is what type of conditions need to be met before a right to external self-determination arises and is recognized by other countries. In general, most countries don’t recognize a right to unilateral seccession under any condition. At the same time, it is also agreed that if a state were to make the practice of internal self-determination virtually impossible or meaningless, then a right to external self-determination should arise. In which case any “no backsies” rule under US national law (even the constitution) may be seen as a breach of fundamental rights.
With independence, it usually comes down to who has the bigger stick (in both material and ideational terms). The are definitely scenarios in which US states can make a valid legal case for independence but the conditions for that still haven’t been met as most international lawyers will agree that Americans in all states are afforded the right to internally self-determine. For now. Things are changing quickly.
It looks like a lot of US states are about to declare backsies.
what? no it doesn’t. not even a remote hint of that come on be realistic. the liberals are barely squirming over the illegal deportations. Folks are whining about eggs more than anything else.
California checking in. I’m working on it, there’s an effort to get it on the ballot.
Yeah, most Americans are too cowardly, or dumb (or both), to do anything meaningful. They prefer to sit by and watch their country get demolished, because trying to stop it would take effort.
I mean, yes, that’s certainly part of it, but the other parts are that we (Americans) live among extremely well-financed and equipped (courtesy of military surplus) police forces who are obvious in their zeal to terrorize and extort citizens, while also being insulated by legal buffers like “Qualified Immunity.”
In most cities, the police take up 40-50% or more of the budget, and produce essentially zero benefits, but will always be enshrined because they protect the status quo and the top wealth layer’s property, and are willing to use force to ensure the most vulnerable are kept fearful and destabilized.
Kudos to the Greenlanders and keep it that way until the Turd Reich is vote out of office.
keep it that way until the Turd Reich is vote out of office.
No, please. Keep it forever. The USA was never and never will be a reliable ally. Good riddance. Forever.
American representatives have been going around knocking on one door after another in recent days to ask if they would like to have a visit from the vice president’s wife. Everywhere the answer was the same: “No, otherwise thank you,” says Steinmetz.
ahahaha! Greenlanders were far more polite than I would have been.
Graceful Greenlanders
As an American, if they showed up at my front door the most polite thing I’d say to them would be the “fuck off and die” they’d hear right before I slammed the door.
Anyone uninvited gets the door slammed in their face, but I am rarely inspired to make a verbal statement as well.
There used to be an exception to the door slam for people selling girl scout cookies, but they don’t go door to door anymore.
My door mat says “GO AWAY!”, so I feel getting a door slammed in your face if you ring the doorbell is justified.
Protip: Learn to growl. When Jehova’s witnesses or suchlike knock, be very polite, tell them they’re welcome, how you’re happy they came to you to find the light Lucifer brings.
I went to a Catholic University.
I was never Catholic, and I was agnostic by the time I received my degree. However, there was a religion requirement, and one of the religion classes I took was taught by a Catholic priest.
He mentioned he loved when JWs knocked on his door. He’d invite them in, sit them down, and just debate them until they couldn’t stand it anymore and practically begged to leave.
It sounded like he treated it like an opportunity to convert them to catholicism, not because he expected them to convert as much as he just thought it was funny.
I’m an atheist and this is one of my favourite hobbies! I could usually find a few on Sundays close to vulnerable people hotspots - churches, hospitals - and all it took was a glance at their magazine stand for them to strike up a conversation.
So far, I’ve found they’re ill equipped at proving the existence of a god, let alone their specific brand. Some were actually impressed with a detailed theory of evolution, and may or may not have started to reassess their view of the world.
I really love some good faith arguing in the morning…
Alternative to learning to growl:
“no, otherwise thank you” (nej, ellers tak) can be said in a variety of ways.
The entire purpose of adding more words to a “no” is to have more words for expression.
Even in the most polite way it basically means “definitely no”.
I’d bet at least some were a lot more graphic than what was reported. I’d really love to like, run into a Greenlander in this thread whose door was knocked on and hear what they actually said. There had to be at least a few “go fuck yourself with a rusty crowbar” type responses
They couldn’t find one fascist nutjob? That’s impressive, honestly
There has to be a scoreboard for this
In order to maintain complete transparency we removed the scoreboard and actually keeping score is illegal if we’re losing.
- Probably Trump
Couchfu$&#er and his DEI wife getting rejected by Greenlanders is hilarious.
That’s how you deal with an american cunt.
Fuck my country. Never been proud of it, and how I am only ashamed of it even more.
This must be a personal hell. Growing up, I wanted to get out of my small town because I hated being surrounded by idiots. So I did.
Now… well… there is no escape apparently.
Trump had four years to plan his great return. Four years to mull and ponder. This is his best stuff. Everything else is going to be ad libbed.
In his defence he doesn’t think at all, he’s just doing what he’s told by his handlers
This IS the ad-libbing. The real best stuff is the executive order intended to destroy the voting process. This is a distraction.
His whole plan was to avoid jail, I don’t think he gives a damn what happens next beyond his own enrichment.
It surprises me that not everyone seems to realize this.
his childish half assed plan to annex greenland is probably codenamed “Operation Cement Lawn” which probably gave him the genius idea to literally cement over the whitehouse lawn.
I think I put more effort into this stupid joke than Trump puts into literally anything.
We need to be independent of the United States and it can only go too slowly. After Trump probably comes a “normal” president and then maybe again an idiot and so on. My question then is: How quickly can Europe become at least 80 percent independent?
Bent is smarter than Keir Starmer, who’s still treating Trump administration with undeserved grace.
Should have said you’d be delighted for them to visit, and then just not let them inside. Deny any knowledge of talking to them before. Waste their time and money and call them names.
No, I live in the US and in a red state.
Seriously, the news is trying to spin it as “Oh they changed their plans” but seriously they’ve been hyping the fuck out of the visit and suddenly it’s “JD is joining but they’re only going to a military base”
Even the dumbass republicans are going wtf.
They bully, harass and disparage you then act offended when you won’t play along with their political games.
Crazy that they don’t want to be a part of the fourth reich
Even if I was okay with her visiting my home, I wouldn’t be okay with the massive security detail and intrusive background check on every member of my household.
Implying that Trump’s security team is at all competant
lol true. I gave them the benefit of the doubt when they probably don’t deserve it!
Hey sorry, I posted our security plan with itemized lists of when vital security assets will be in place on yahoo answers, it was an honest mistake I was posting another question about how to remove really white persistent couch stains and I forgot to log out is all.
It is no problem, Jeb Bush came to the rescue by accident when he was browsing the site and caught it before any baddies could read it thankfully.
All of those medals of honor we saved from the diversity folks, are we allowed to reassign them? Jeb deserves one anyways hope I am not leaving TOOOOO long of a facebook message with this on your public wall! Don’t get mad at me winky emoji
Opsec is clean
As the museum here in Copenhagen proves, Greenlanders are based.