Police investigation remains open. The photo of one of the minors included a fly; that is the logo of Clothoff, the application that is presumably being used to create the images, which promotes its services with the slogan: “Undress anybody with our free service!”
Interesting. Replika AI, ChatGPT etc crack down on me for doing erotic stories and roleplay text dialogues. And this Clothoff App happily draws child pornography of 14 year olds? Shaking my head…
I wonder why they have no address etc on their website and the app isn’t available in any of the proper app-stores.
Obviously police should ask Instagram who blackmails all these girls… Teach them a proper lesson. And then stop this company. Have them fined a few millions for generating and spreading synthetic CP. At least write a letter to their hosting or payment providers.
I thought some kids did this?
I didn’t follow how the story turned out that closely. I think it was a schoolmate who did this. I kinda split up my answer because I think if a kid/minor is the offender, it’s not yet too late to learn how to behave (hopefully). But blackmailing people with nudes is a bit more than the usual bullying and occasional fight between boys we did back in the day. I trust some judge has a look at the individual case and comes up with a proper punishment that factors this in.
What annoys me is the people who offer this service. Advertise for use-cases like this and probably deliberately didn’t put any filters in place not even if it’s pictures of minors. I think they should be charged, fined and ultimately that business case should be banned. I (anonymously) filed a complaint, after writing that comment in September. But they’re still online as of today.
So in my opinion the kid should be taught a lesson and the company should pay for this and be closed for good.
The shock value of a nude picture will become increasingly humdrum as they become more widespread. Nudes will become so common that no one will batt an eye. In fact, some less endowed, less perfect ladies will no doubt do AI generated pictures or movies of themselves to sell on the internet. Think of it as photoshop X 10.
This isn’t about nude photos, it’s about consent.
Have you ever posted a photo on Facebook or Instagram?
If the answer is yes, congratulations! You gave consent.
Please show me where exactly the terms and conditions mention the production and publication of ai generated nudes on those sites.
Also eww, I would not want to be near you in real life.
You give them free reign to do literally whatever they want with your images the moment you post them. They OWN YOUR PHOTOS. The only reason you don’t know about it is because you’re fucking stupid and don’t read their terms of service.
Signed: person who stopped using sites like Facebook and Instagram for this reason.
Edit: Sorry, I realized that reading isn’t your strong suit which is why you demanded I sift through their ToS for you. It’s under the privacy section of Meta’s terms of service. Anything you post that is public immediately grants them the rights to your image.
You ever put an image on Tinder through Facebook, congrats: consent achieved.
I genuinely do not care if you are aware or otherwise. Your comment proves you’re fucking dumb, and deserve your images being used against you for not protecting yourself from predatory social media sites.
You are right, they own my photos, this of course doesn’t grant them the right to do anything with it and it as well doesn’t give someone else the right, but what do you know? You are some lonely little sit harassing others online.
Delete your CSAM collection and then yourself please. Do something for us all, thanks.
what is CSAM?
Jesus christ, you’re a fucking idiot. Maybe if you went through English class without writing every report through sparknotes you’d have developed the critical thinking required to understand what a TERMS OF SERVICE agreement is.
It’s not too late, you can always go back to school. Although, reading your replies, you’re still too fucking dumb to gain anything from it.
what is sparknotes?
Wow, you have to be one of the most stubborn, stupid, insolent, arrogant, self-absorbed assholes, I ever had the displeasure of exchanging words with.
Eat a dick!
I can already get a canvas and brush and draw what I think u/DessertStorms looks like naked and there is nothing you can do about it.
You’re not making the point you think you are, instead you’re just outing yourself as a creep. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
The lack of empathy in your response is telling. People do not care for the effect this has on teenage girls. They don’t even try to be compassionate. I think this will just become the next thing girls and women will simply have to accept as part of their life and the sexism and objectification that is targeted at them. But “boys will be boys” right?