• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Ah. maybe hand it over to the next person? I suppose people still need to switch painlessly? But I get it. We used to host lots of stuff in my university years. A forum, chat, classifieds, filesharing… A big photo album for all our pictures and events… As far as I know all of that has gone. Either due to lack of interest or nobody was able and willing to pick it up.

  • Alright. I think I’m fine with that. I’ll read the documentation and see if I can find some time over the weekend to set it up. I’ll report my success in case I remember. It’s going to take me some time to notice missing information, though. And I’m not sure how caching of images works. We’ll see. I hope I don’t get banned, but I don’t really care that much. Thanks for the insights.

  • Thanks. Why do you say appservice is old? Because of the used technology? Or because their last commit is from 9 months ago?

    I don’t really need double puppeting. I’m just interested in funnelling out data from discord and it’s just me and my account. I should clarify that in my post…

    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m gonna take a closer look at the features of both and probably choose mautrix, since I already run their WhatsApp bridge. Maybe someone else chimes in and can contribute their experience with the out-of-your-element bridge.

  • Plug it into a computer and see what the computer says.

    I usually use Linux for that because it offers good error messages and I know the tools. But other operating systems might help, too.

    And if you start writing to the card or executing recovery tools, make a backup / image first.

    If the files are very important, maybe don’t tamper with it and ask for help. Like a repair shop, your local Linux community or any trustworthy computer expert friend.

    The biggest enemy is probably encryption, if it’s encrypted. The files are definitely still there if you just ripped it out. In the old days you could just run a recovery program and get everything back.

  • Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me. The Github issue also is very helpful. Seems that’s exactly my answer to “Why do I need a fourth store in addition to F-Droid, AuroraStore and Obtanium” 😉

    Have a nice day, thanks for the STT keyboard! I didn’t really engage in the discussion because I’m exactly in the same situation as other people here. I already have the FUTO one and Sayboard… But eventually I’d like to replace FUTO software with free software alternatives. I don’t like their licensing. So this is very welcome.

  • Well that paper only says it’s theoretically not possible to completely eliminate hallucination. That doesn’t mean it can be migitated and reduced to the point of insignificance. I think fabricating things is part of creativity. I mean LLMs are supposed to come up with new text. But maybe they’re not really incentivised to differentiate between fact and fiction. I mean they have been trained on fictional content, too. I think the main problem is to control when to stick close to facts and when to be creative. Sure, I’d agree that we can’t make them infallible. But there’s probably quite some room for improvement. (And I don’t really agree with the premise of the paper that it’s caused solely from shortcomings in the training data. It’s an inherent problem in being creative and that the world also consists of fiction and opinions and so much more than factual statements… But the training data quality and bias also has a severe effect.)

    That paper is interesting. Thanks!

    But I really fail to grasp the diagonal argument. Can we really choose the ground truth function f arbitrarily? Doesn’t that just mean given arbitrary realities, there aren’t hallucination-free LLMs in all of them? But I don’t really care if there’s a world where 1+1=2 and simultaneously 1+1=3 and there can’t be an LLM telling the “truth” in that world… I think they need to narrow down “f”. To me a reality needs to fulfill certain requirements. Like being contradiction free etc. And they’d need to prove that Cantor applies to that subset of “f”.

    And secondly: Why does the LLM need to decide between true and false? Can’t it not just say “I don’t know?” I think that’d immediately ruin their premise, too. Because they only look at LLMs who don’t ever refuse and have to decide on a truth.

    I think this is more related to Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which somehow isn’t mentioned in the paper. I’m not a proper scientist and didn’t really understand it, so I might be wrong with all of that. But it doesn’t feel correct to me. And I mean the paper hasn’t been cited or peer-reviewed (as of now). So it’s more like just their opinion, anyways. I say (if their maths is correct) they just proved that there can’t be an LLM that knows everything in any possible and impossible world. That doesn’t quite apply because LLMs that don’t know everything are useful, too. And we’re concerned with one specific reality here that has some limitations. Like physics, objectivity or consistency.

  • I’m pretty sure he did this out of this own motivation because he thinks/thought it’s a fascinating topic. So, sure this doesn’t align with popularity. But it’s remarkable anyways, you’re right. And I always like to watch the progression. As far as I remember the early videos lacked professional audio and video standards that are nowadays the norm on Youtube. At some point he must have bought better equipment, but his content has been compelling since the start of his Youtube ‘career’. 😊

    And I quite like the science content on Youtube. There are lots of people making really good videos, both from professional video producers and also from scientists (or hobbyists) who just share their insight and interesting perspective.