Police investigation remains open. The photo of one of the minors included a fly; that is the logo of Clothoff, the application that is presumably being used to create the images, which promotes its services with the slogan: “Undress anybody with our free service!”
Interesting. Replika AI, ChatGPT etc crack down on me for doing erotic stories and roleplay text dialogues. And this Clothoff App happily draws child pornography of 14 year olds? Shaking my head…
I wonder why they have no address etc on their website and the app isn’t available in any of the proper app-stores.
Obviously police should ask Instagram who blackmails all these girls… Teach them a proper lesson. And then stop this company. Have them fined a few millions for generating and spreading synthetic CP. At least write a letter to their hosting or payment providers.
I thought some kids did this?
I didn’t follow how the story turned out that closely. I think it was a schoolmate who did this. I kinda split up my answer because I think if a kid/minor is the offender, it’s not yet too late to learn how to behave (hopefully). But blackmailing people with nudes is a bit more than the usual bullying and occasional fight between boys we did back in the day. I trust some judge has a look at the individual case and comes up with a proper punishment that factors this in.
What annoys me is the people who offer this service. Advertise for use-cases like this and probably deliberately didn’t put any filters in place not even if it’s pictures of minors. I think they should be charged, fined and ultimately that business case should be banned. I (anonymously) filed a complaint, after writing that comment in September. But they’re still online as of today.
So in my opinion the kid should be taught a lesson and the company should pay for this and be closed for good.