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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • Image Transcription:

    A photo of a page from a book showing Jake, Skully, Izzy, and Cubby from the TV series Jake the Pirate. Jake is standing to the right, while Skully flies above Izzy and Cubby who are holding up an oversized scroll of parchment with the text “A good pirate never takes another person’s property!”

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  • Image Transcription:

    Black text on a white background reading:

    "My phone: Changes :) to 🙂


    Below the text is a screengrab from the movie Pulp Fiction showing Jules Winnfield looking off to the right and saying “I don’t remember asking you a god damn thing”.

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  • Image Transcription:

    Black text on a white background reading “Redditors when they post their first content on Lemmy and nobody insults them in the comments:”

    Beneath the text is an image of Verne, the turtle, from Over the Hedge, standing in a fancy backyard with a confused look on his face as he says “What is this place?”

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  • Image Transcription:

    A four-panel Mr. Lovenstein comic titled “THIS COMIC MADE POSSIBLE THANKS TO EELS OF WOOD”

    The first panel shows an angry pink humanoid standing on a green circle, holding a bunch of asparagus spears and speaking to a yellow-skinned, bearded humanoid barely in the panel. The pink humanoid is saying “HEY GOD, WHY DID YOU MAKE HEALTHY FOOD TASTE BAD?”

    The second panel shows the yellow-skinned, bearded humanoid in more detail. It has a halo and is wearing a white robe. It’s rolling its eyes angrily as it responds “OH MY GOD! DO I HAVE TO SHOW YOU EVERYTHING?”

    The third panel shows the still-angry yellow-skinned humanoid cooking the asparagus spears in a frying pan over the open flame of a gas stove as the pink humanoid watches on amazed. The yellow humanoid is saying “SAUTÉ 'EM AND DON’T FORGET THE SEASONING! STIR AND TASTE AS YOU COOK!”

    The final panel shows a close-up of the pink humanoid holding a half-eaten asparagus spear with its mouth full and eyes wide in awe as it says “IT’S… DELICIOUS!” A response from off-screen replies “OF COURSE IT IS!”

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  • Image Transcription:

    White text on a black background reading “I have a plan”

    Below the text is two images, the one on the left is of the southeastern coast of America with Italy and Cuba in the location of Florida and its Keys, and the image on the right is that of southern and western Europe with Florida and its Keys in the location of Italy and Cuba.

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    X/Twitter post by user grace @brainsoupp_ reading “hey sorry I can’t come out tonight I need to research an incredibly specific and random topic alone and in silence for hours on end for no reason at all”

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  • Image Transcription:

    Black text on a white background reads “Coming back to your linux partition after gaming on Windows.”

    Below the text is a photo of a house, taken from across the street. Over part of the front of the house is a white sheet hung like a banner with text spray-painted on it in black and red. The black text reads “WELCOME HOME” followed by one word in red reading “CHEATER”.

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  • Image Transcription:

    White text on a black background reading

    'Me: *Dual booting windows and linux.

    'Windows: *Updates itself.

    'Me: Where is the linux partition?


    Below the text is the Daenerys Targaryen Squint meme showing Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones squint smiling. Over the image is the text ‘“dunno!”’

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  • Image Transcription:

    A four-panel War and Peas comic.

    The first panel shows two horse-like creatures standing in a field, munching on grass. Text in a yellow box at the top of the panel reads “One Million years from now…”. Palm-like trees with yellow leaves and mountains are in the background. The creature on the left is brown and the creature on the right is grey. The text “Munch Munch” are over the brown creature.

    The second panel shows the brown creature with its head raised up and a concerned look on its face, saying “Hey. Remember humans?”

    The third panel shows the grey creature now with its head raised up, the background of nature has been replaced by an orange background, which is lighter in a circle around the area of the panel where the creature’s head and speech bubble are. The grey creature is saying “No.”

    The fourth panel is a slightly zoomed in version of the first panel with the onomatopoeic munching text moved over the grey creature’s head.

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  • Image Transcription:

    X/Twitter post by user brittany wilson @sameoldstory reading “One disorienting thing about getting older that nobody tells you about is how weird it feels to get a really passionate, extremely wrong lecture from a much younger person about verifiable historical events you can personally remember pretty well”

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  • Image Transcription:

    A still of Verne the turtle from the movie Over the Hedge looking around a fancy garden in wary confusion. Text at the top of the image reads “The Virus bundled in the sketchy Itch.io game running in a wine bottle.” Subtitles on the image read “What is this place?”

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  • Image Transcription:

    A one-panel XKCD-style comic with the title “The Self-Hoster” One character is seated at a computer, talking to a second character standing behind their chair. Character one says: “It took all weekend, but now that I have a Mastodon instance running in Docker behind a reverse proxy with cloud-provided media storage, I can enjoy interacting with a federated network of other users without compromising on privacy or content moderation.” Character two replies: “Cool, what kinds of topics does your network discuss?” Character one replies: “Our experiences self-hosting Mastodon instances, mostly.”

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  • Image Transcription:

    X post by user The Chaser @chaser reading: ‘Stop calling it Twitter’ says guy who deadnames his own child. Underneath is a photo of Elon Musk’s face with a barely visible Tesla logo in the background and the link to the article at chaser.com.au

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