I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
Trying to open Tabletop Simulator is now doing the same thing. Is there any way to increase the amount of RAM given to the apu (without getting the dpgu)?
I’ve never had an issue like this on previous laptops, so I’m not sure what to do (other than be frustrated / avoid certain programs).
I’m not sure there is, I think there’s some advanced AMD BIOS settings EFI file floating around but I think it still has the same options.
Are you using the latest version of the BIOS?
Edit: Found the AMD EFI PBS/CBS thing: https://github.com/DavidS95/Smokeless_UMAF
Upgrading to 3.03 didn’t help. I’ve downloaded new amdgpu firmware as covered here; not sure if it’s resolved the issue yet, since I just did it recently, but I’ll report back once it’s been a bit.
So far, 0 crashes since I got the new amdgpu firmware!