I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD? Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I’m pretty sure is a driver thing.
I’m not sure there is, I think there’s some advanced AMD BIOS settings EFI file floating around but I think it still has the same options.
Are you using the latest version of the BIOS?
Edit: Found the AMD EFI PBS/CBS thing: https://github.com/DavidS95/Smokeless_UMAF
Upgrading to 3.03 didn’t help. I’ve downloaded new amdgpu firmware as covered here; not sure if it’s resolved the issue yet, since I just did it recently, but I’ll report back once it’s been a bit.
So far, 0 crashes since I got the new amdgpu firmware!