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ABSOLUTELY that natural!
I’ve noticed that a lot of men don’t know what “natural” even looks like.
They’ll see a woman with foundation, concealer, highlighter, setting, and mascara on and be like “Wow natural beauty. No makeup.”
A lot goes into makeup that isn’t just lipstick & eyeliner.
I know for sure whether my partner has put anything like that on, given that I would see it happen. Still much prefer natural without anything at all. I guess that might include the skincare routine (washing, moisturizing) and taking care of their own health, but I think that’s a separate thing.
Skincare ≠ makeup, so you’re correct in that they are very much separate things.
The real takeaway is that whoever says something like that just doesn’t want to be able to see that makeup was applied, not that none was used. Most likely not even knowing that themselves because of their ignorance.
Why the fuck would a woman have to mask herself with makeup, and men not? Is it acceptable for men to not look “perfect”, and for women not? This is complete bullshit. Luckily, my wife doesn’t wear any makeup, and has thus much healthier skin than all the other people who wear makeup, and she is beautiful just like that.