Jwz! He was like nerd Jesus to us 90s computer geeks
Jwz! He was like nerd Jesus to us 90s computer geeks
That monitor setup is making me feel all tingly. Legit question: how much would a setup like that cost?
Maybe his/her opinion is that eugenics is good which would definitely fall into unpopular territory 😆
Haha yeah I know this one is out there. I do really like his music and I don’t by any means think he is a bad lyricist. Just overrated I guess?
Body has aged but brain has stayed the same
Am angsty middle aged teen. Took favorite word. Dropped many letters
Kendrick Lamar is not a great lyricist
It looks great I’ll check it out thx
Yaaaass olauncher is my jam. Just spent a paragraph describing how amazing the app drawer is and I definitely did not do it justice
Olauncher. Super minimalist. Love it. The best part imo is the app drawer. Instead of cycling through endless pages of icons that are always being changed so that I can never remember what I am actually looking for, it uses a text list of all apps. Just start typing the name and it will automatically complete and open the app. It’s literally changed my life 😂
Maybe not life changing but it is sooooo much nicer for my flow
In Israel it’s Plony Almony. Idk why. But it’s fun to say
tips hat in gunzerking
Borderlands 2
From citizen Kane:
“It’s easy to make a lot of money, if all you want is a lot of money”
Or something to that effect. Think about that line often
I was 13 or 14. Must have been 1995 or 96. Learned about it from friends on IRC (any old dalnet nerds out there?)
Ruined my mom’s computer multiple times leaning how to partition HDDs 😆
I only recently went back to windows bc I was doing some .net projects and found WSFL was more than adequate for my other projects. Still kind of feel dirty using windows shudder
I used to. Lifting weights helped me in many aspects of my life. Particularly in regards to making goals and seeing them through. It was difficult to get into but once I started seeing results (pretty quickly) the gym became my second home for years. And then my daughter got sick and I got depressed and now it’s been 5 years and god I miss it but just haven’t been able to get back
It’s because you are a guy in your 30s. You (and me) are in a shitty demographic so the algorithm peddles us shit. It doesn’t matter how many times I list shitheel vids by the ppl you me mentioned as “do not recommend channel”, I will always have Rogan or Peterson popping up in my feed to ruin my day. It drives me crazy
yours but it was a joke. and i guess a not very good one from your response lol