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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Lol at desperate. These journalist enablers need to go down with the crappy business practices they protect

    Tong Diep Anh, marketing director at Viec 3 Mien, a recruitment company for Apple manufacturers, told Rest of World. “In the past, when demand for work was high, workers had to pay money to get a job. Now that the job market is saturated, workers have a choice

    Emphases mine.

    Hung, the TikTok recruiter for Luxshare, said he has spoken to more than 100 prospective applicants. In the end, he said, workers care most about pay and the work environment: “Now workers have too much choice. Many join the companies, many leave, too. They jump between Luxshare, Foxconn, and other companies"

    Again. No recruiters talking about nor does the article mention a lack of able-bodied workers in the population. The corpos would rather pay recruiters to offer fuckin umbrellas n shit instead of offering competitive wages in the market. Whole bootlick article is fulla tone-deaf quotes like these crying how is unfair they have to compete on wages, working conditions, and benefits.

    Get fucked. PAY ME

  • here is a nice writeup on red herring and even tips on how to use it more effectively than you’ve been. The first important thing is understanding the term.

    I’ll help you over this hill youre lyin’ on… Your actual argument from the beginning is that “Israel as a state entity should continue to exist.”

    Your “red herring’s” purpose is to obfuscate your final position (Israel as a state should continue, simply because it’s already there.)

    By diverting attention towards how difficult it could be logistically, you hide from the immorality of israel’s existence.

    My OG reply simultaneously dismisses your “ok but how?” argument as fallacious and addresses your real point, “israel should exist”. If you actually think israel should exist as an ethnostate someplace, i actually think your country should host them and you should move out so they can have it.

    You have not done anything since except complain how its not fair i ignored your bad faith.

    Can you please take a little more care in your next response?