• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I know for a fact that one of my rabbits knows his name and that one of my other rabbits apparently thinks her name is “good girl”. I’ve tried to name train her but she doesn’t respond well to Clover. She might just respond more visibly to good girl because she gets good girled when she’s being such a good girl though. But I couldn’t find my Wally so I said his name a few times and he just came running over, and normally will turn one ear towards me if I say his name.

    My cat, at 18, should definitely know his name but I’ll be damned if I know how to verify that he does. He’ll give me a death glare no matter what I say to him.

    Edit: ok I just tested Clover and she turned her ear to me so apparently she goes by both Clover and good girl. I got the expected reaction from Wally, and the 3rd rabbit Beignet didn’t react, but he only reacts to treats anyways so I’m pretty sure he knows I’m talking to him and doesn’t care. He’s probably part cat.

  • The only single player ones I’ve ever played have been 1 and 7. 1 was…old. The mechanics and everything remind me of Dragon Warrior but I kind of honestly just prefer Dragon Warrior (although I guess that one is also nostalgic because I remember watching my dad play it as a kid).

    7 is much more modern but still pretty old at this point. It has a good story and interesting characters. It’s been a while and I don’t remember what the actual gameplay was like but I don’t remember it being turn based.

    I’ve also watched my BF play quite a bit of Final Fantasy Tactics and that’s just what it sounds like, a very tactical turn based game. Not for me but some people really like that style of game so that’s something to look into if it appeals to what you’re looking for.

    I also played a little bit of Final Fantasy 14 online and it was fun, although not the styles of MMO I personally prefer. But again it’s all personal preference and if you like MMOs you should look it up because you might want to consider that instead of one of the single player games.

  • She’s already acclimated to you so I would suggest that you just bring her home and see what happens. Stay outside with her for a couple hours at first so she knows you’re there. Also I don’t know that the climate is like where you live but if you live somewhere cold please get her a little heated house and heated water bowl. The heated houses are more like a heated pad than actual heating but will help keep her safe and comfortable in winter.