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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • google (and other ad companies) keep a digital profile (or footprint) of all your clicks. so, for example, if you click on an ad for a fantasy book, they will save that you are at least interested on fantasy books, giving you more ads for that. in theory that might not sound so bad (“hey, at least the ads will be more relevant”) but in reality the amount of data that they store is incredibly invasive.

    by clicking random ads, the quality of that profile would go down, as it will no longer be your true interests, thus “messing with digital footprint”

  • there is a lot of nuance in the discussion, but a lot of people just want a quick black and white answer. you can use AI to supplement other artistic projects (like using AI to create images for a comic you wrote), so i don’t agree with the premise of the post

    but i also don’t agree with people who say that AI is just another tool. i think that it is a paradigm changing tool, that is going to make us have to rethink how we interact with art.

  • Maybe smoking more? I would say that smoking (tabaco) is more common for my European friends, than my American friends. But most of my European friends are French, and most of my American friends are from the Bay Area, so it is more probable a California vs France than American vs Europe

  • kinsnik@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldDuckDuckGo AI Chat
    3 months ago

    If they are using GPT-3.5 and Claude, that means that they are sending the chats to Open AI and Anthropic, right? How can they assure that the chats are private and not being used in training if they don’t control what other companies do?

    Edit: ok, they claim to have agreements with them to delete chats within 30 days and they hide the user IP

  • her problem seems to be with trans women in what should be safe spaces for women.

    She claims that that is her problem, but her solution isn’t “let’s make sure that we harshly prosecute those who abuse the goodwill of other’s trusting in your own self identification to invade and attack women”, is “all trans women are really perverts trying to invade women spaces to attack women”

    So, really, her problem seems to be with trans people existing at all…