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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I’m confused exactly what you’re saying here. It does seem from your experiment that if you specifically ask it to, Chat GPT can reproduce selected pieces of copyrighted creative works verbatim, but what’s your point? You posted the screenshots underneath a quote about how AI systems extract patterns from works rather than copying them so I guess you want to show that it can at times in fact just copy things despite this seeming claim to the opposite, but the fact that you prompted the system to do it seems to kind of dilute this point a bit. In any case, it’s not just reproducing the work, it’s producing output that is relevant to your naturally phrased English language input, and selecting which particular passage in a way that is specifically relevant to the way your input was phrased and also adding additional output aside from the quoted passage which is also relevant and unique to the prompt.

    The developers make the analogy of a person being influenced by works in the creation of their own and that that is considered acceptable. If you asked Bob Dylan to cite a passage from a work by Hemingway and he successfully remembered such a passage and in the correct context recited it to you verbatim, followed by an explanation for why it’s a good passage to have selected, you wouldn’t take from that exchange that this was proof that Bob Dylan was not really actually ‘influenced’ by anything but was instead just cobbling together the work of others when he produces his music. If anything, it’d likely be regarded as a mark of how well read Bob Dylan must be that he could remember the passage so accurately and choose a passage that so successfully fits the brief of your request. I don’t typically want to leap to the defence of these AI models that wholesale take in so much creative work and mechanistically re-assemble it without compensation nor input from the artist but I wouldn’t pretend that it’s not an issue with at least a little nuance to it and I can’t see what these screenshots prove.

  • I still have to put up with it a little bit but I made it my life’s mission to avoid it as much as possible whilst still being part of mainstream society. I’m so glad that this meme indicates that FINALLY other people are not only not doing it but also denouncing it as much as I have. I’ve had to hold back on bitching about how stupid and irritating it is because it was always something everyone else seemed to have viewed as a mundane, at worst neutral and at best good aspect of everyday life that wasn’t that hard and gave you nice looking clothes. You can’t complain at length about something that is considered in those terms because you just come off as a boring crank. But now finally, if only for a moment I can still feel normal whilst embracing my abiding hatred of the pointless and time wasting practice.

    FUCK ironing, and especially fuck whatever dipshit came up with it. Before this was invented wrinkled clothes would have to have been but a fact of life. I’m near certain whoever did come up with this was someone who knew they personally would never have had to do it. For centuries it would have been palmed off on the usual people that had to carry out the shitwork and now, in modern times, we didn’t jettison the practice along with the sexism and classism that forced some to have to do it and not others, we just made it so that now we all have to do it. It delivers no benefit, it’s so fucking stupid aaagghh! Because of the conventions and expectations that formed around it, I’m unfortunately forced to participate in it despite my misgivings, even if only on the bare minimum of occasions. If I have a job interview, or I’m going to a fancy event I have play in to this ridiculous farce that is noticeable only from its absence and help perpetuate it. I sincerely hope this generation really has managed to abolish it and it’s only the remnants of my own upbringing and peers that mean I still have to occasionally do it because the world will be objectively better off if no one ever does this again.

  • My cat likes to sit on the desk in the little space between my pen tablet and the brick size external hard drive I use, and nod off to sleep while I work.

    Yesterday she did this peacefully for hours until out of nowhere, I assume because of a bad dream maybe, she woke up suddenly by jumping in to the air knocking over the expensive hard drive I was working off of and then also, upon seeming to realize she wasn’t comfortably laying on the desk anymore but instead in the midst of a rapid descent towards it from a height, proceeded to kick every limb in a panic and also me in the process. Good times.

  • This along with much else that’s pointed out make the whole devices capturing audio to process keywords for ads all seem unlikely, but, one thing worth pointing out is that people do sell bad products that barely or even just plain old don’t do what they told their customers it would do. Someone could sell a listening to keywords to target ads solution to interested advertisers that just really sucks and is super shit at its job. From the device user’s standpoint it’d be a small comfort to know the device was listening to your conversations but also really sucked at it and often thought you were saying something totally different to what you said but I’d still be greatly dismayed that they were attempting, albeit poorly, to listen to my conversations.

  • I don’t know why, given recent impressive developments, but I’ve always met thie idea that this is really happening with heavy skepticism and I still do. This is definitely the most concrete thing I’ve ever heard and I definitely don’t doubt companies would do this, I just… I don’t know, it’s hard to believe they really are.

    One reason is it just seems like they’d be absolutely overwhelmed by useless data, it’s not like AI is cheap to run, and it’d be so hard to link a conversation that’s captured to a genuine sentiment and then to an ad connecting to that person and then a purchasing decision to that ad. This is scary for sure but it feels like this is more marketing hype to marketeers than a real thing.

    Will be watching closely. I feel like this might actually be that bridge too far that the mainstream of society will demand action be taken against if it gets widely adopted and widely known. Even if it technically works and is provably effective to advertisers I think you’d need Google or Amazon to be the ones pulling it off and to have done so silently so we all just kinda assume they’re doing it but don’t know. If a company “starts” offering this service in a way the public can latch on to it would likely cause a massive backlash that would hopefully scupper such plans.

  • Trying it out now as I reply. Quite like it, for similar reasons to openboard. I’m not sure why, but i think I type a little bit more accurately when I use this compared to openboard and also gboard, which is interesting, can’t really see why that would be. It also has that awesome space bar trackpad feature.

    Sadly, like openboard, it has no swipe to type either, nor a searchable emoji board. It’s a real shame there seems to have been a freeze on updates because the current version doesn’t yet support the word suggestions. This really breaks the app as a daily keyboard unless they ever resume updates. It’s good though for sure.

  • So far for my best efforts at searching I’ve gone with open board. I like it a lot but it doesn’t fit my requirements in that there appears to be no swipe to type functionality and emojis are, like in many keyboards, sorted in to unhelpful categories with no ability to search. I also don’t like that there’s no kind of numbers page where the keyboard consists exclusively of numerals which are on larger than normal keys.

    For the sake of it at least not being gboard it’s worth putting up with this I think, but it’s a shame nothing could just completely replace it with no compromise. Very pleased that it looks nearly identical except a a bit cleaner and has this great feature where you can use the space key like a track pad to scroll left or right through text.

  • I think somewhere around the middle of high school the storyline started to really fall apart and now in it I’m at various times a successful and likeable actor/astronaut/musician/academic/author/just a salt of the earth everyday guy that everyone somehow has respect for and comes to for advice/race car driver/activist/underground resistance fighter. And I’m also magnanimous and generous, but somehow also dishing it out to the all the wankers I have to deal with.

    I think after the exhaustion of adulthood and fuckwits and my own mediocrity the quality and vividness of my daydreams has dulled to just a kind of cartoon version of me having a much better time or telling someone who’s done me wrong to fuck themselves.