• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • This could actually be a pretty big deal

    1. The Eclipse foundation has been making alternatives to VS Code’s “killer apps” (Docker, Python, Go, C++, SSH, Live share, etc). AKA the closed source ones exclusive to VS Code offical that make all forks of VS Code a huge downgrade. The Eclipse foundation is also running the extension store that powers VS Codium.
    2. “why not just use VS Codium?” (With the killer extensions made by Eclipse)
      • VS Codium is great, but because of manpower limits, they always have to be “downstream” of VS Code. They can’t rewrite any of the core systems.
      • As someone who contributes to VS Code, and loves VS Codium, many issues I have with VS Code have been open on github for +7 years, with hundreds of comments and thumbs-ups. We can’t even sort the file explorer view by last-edited and folders-first (but we can do folders-first alphabetical). Thats been open since 2017.
      • Theia looks like it could finally be the hard fork I’ve been waiting for. A hackable editor, trying to be open source, where all my extensions work, and the community can actually make a PR, get it merged, and extensions are not excessively sandboxed.
      • Will it be that? Only time will tell, but the Eclipse foundation has a pretty good record. They’re definitely prepared for long term support.

  • Same haha.

    I’ve already started it twice for lemmy, but didn’t put in heavy effort yet. I’ve got a wrapper for nix that helps with common issues, but its on the messy side.

    There are so many small GUI apps I want to make but I refuse until I can get Tauri to build an appimage and macos app within nix. It was more than a year ago since I put a lot of effort on that though. If you’ve got any tips/pointers or examples for tauri I’d be happy to hear them.

  • As someone who uses open street maps for statistics/analysis to advocate better bike infrastructure; please contribute to open street maps not google.

    You can easily do exactly what you were saying; open up an existing road, add an attribute to it saying bike_friendly: true. Just login (on desktop), go to the part of the map you want to edit, click edit at the top and do the walkthrough. It should look like this

    Side rant: The google maps API for analyzing data is so bad it might as well not exist. Even ignoring the painful signup process AUTH tokens, cost of usage, and crappy docs; it doesn’t provide access to basically any useful information about roads. Meanwhile open street maps is so easy you don’t even need an account; just run a browser command and scrape any data you want, including downloading the entire database.

  • jeffhykin@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlNixOS for gamedev
    4 months ago

    Yeah, university is almost certainly going to expect you to be able to install Unreal or Unity, which just isn’t possible AFAIK on NixOS. NixOS is very all or nothing. You can’t just remove the restrictions for one project and hack something together to hit an assignment deadline. Theres still lots of pain points with LD_PATH and 3rd party binaries.

    That said, you can use nixpkgs on non-nixos and still get reliability for Godot and other open source tools. For your case, I highly recommend dual booting, and then using nixpkgs without going full blown nixOS.

  • Sadly it still causes system instability even if you NEVER need the feature.

    You might not need numpy at all, but Pandas needs numpy and Opencv needs numpy. Sometimes pandas needs one version and Opencv needs a different version. Well… python only allows one global verison of numpy, so pandas and opencv fight over which one they want installed, and the looser is forced to use a numpy they were not designed/tested for. Upgrading pandas might also upgrade numpy and break opencv. That causes system instability.

    Stable systems like cargo coupld upgrade pandas, have pandas use numpy 1.29 without touching/breaking opencv (opencv would still importing/using using numpy 1.19 or whatever). That stability is only possible if the system is capable of having two versions of the same dependency at the same time.