• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • True, there’s a lot of heating necessary to make life comfortable in Europe (but also in USA btw. probably even more, because I’d say the standards for insulation are better in Europe, and temperatures are more extreme more in the center of the continent).

    But it’s absolutely possible to live without (most of) the heating, by:

    • Using passive solar energy (even in the winter) + good insulation
    • Clothing! There are ways to help with heat too via evaporation chill though (I’m just sitting here with a cooling west, because I easily overheat, and that makes my life quite bit more comfortable in summer without AC, even or especially outside)

    Though as you correctly notice, the combination of high temperature and humidity is what potentially creates a dangerous climate for life, even with things such as cooling wests in “low” high temperatures (within 30-40C), because evaporation chill stops working, so there are times and places, and these times and places will get more frequent where humans can’t survive outside (without some serious technological counter-measures) while with cold temperatures you can always wear (somewhat specialized) clothing.

    Evaporation chill does work even with quite high temperatures, but at some point (and I do think there are places that reach that point), the quite effective human cooling system is not able to catch up anymore (I think somewhere around 50+C IIRC).

  • No, I didn’t assume it does fix things. But it seems to be the truth, or they’re sadomasochistic (which doesn’t look like it).

    Would you rather like them to be called egoistic, anxious, brain-insufficient (okay that’s another way to call them stupid ^^) and illiterate? I just can’t fathom to vote for these guys, they just say things, which they won’t do to get power, and then try to hold onto it in any way they can, and in the meantime destroy what previous systemic democracy has build up over a long time.

    Fixing this, would require more education, but those guys try to vote for guys who are against education…

  • And yet I can understand the skepticism and fear. We have not had yet a big scale “experiment” (i.e. a whole country implementing it). It will have bigger yet to resolve implications (e.g. what’s the effect on migration etc.).

    (And I’m a big proponent of UBI)

    But I think it’s just a matter of time that this will become reality, we’re to rich (in the western world) to fiddle around with “annoyances” like poor people, and I strongly believe that it will increase creativity, innovation and thus also GDP which may be probably the biggest argument for policy makers.

  • No it’s not, the money you have monthly might be the same for a lot. But there’s a big differences psychologically and socially, that you don’t have to work just to survive. I can quit my job without having to fear how I’ll survive. I can decide to get further education without having to think about how I’ll do that financially (at least in Europe). Etc.

    It’s very big difference compared to just lowering taxes (granted we’re not talking about negative income tax which may indeed result in the same thing as UBI).

  • Yep tinkering with the system is probably the main issue (for that NixOS is awesome btw.). But even when you’re not constantly tinkering. System-State accumulates over time, bugs are also apparent in (upgrading of) distros, and the maintainers of a distro cannot realistically handle every upgrade time-point x -> y, so stuff will likely break after some time.

    But even when I have fixed all the issues in my previous at some time broken distros, at some point it just feels good to have a freshly installed system without all that dirty accumulated state (NixOS + impermanence and you’ll have that every reboot :P, see also this)

  • You probably don’t have much on that system and/or you have a lot of discipline…

    I did reinstall it after max 1 1/2 years (Arch btw.), either because of breakage, or weird behavior, or it was a chaotic dumpster fire.

    At some point I discovered NixOS and was sold (and am still sold after 3 1/2 years using it). But it has a steep learning curve, though it certainly got better over that time.