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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • You literally just described a settler state, complete with using reproduction as an occupying tactic.

    Israel, the state, is illegitimate and needs to be dissolved. The Israeli people can integrate and co-createba society with the Palestinians or they can GTFO. Any that stay to explicitly disrupt this and form reactionary movements can get rekt.

    However, as you say, this reality won’t stop the genocide. So a two-state solution is the most likely interim step.

  • And what’s the situation with non-Chinese phones? Given the Snowden revelations and our understanding of US military intelligence projects for the last 50+ years, I would say every phone is likely irredeemably compromised. Just look at what the US did with Siemens phones and literally every embassy in the world.

  • freagle@lemmygrad.mltoWorld News@lemmy.mlAmerica’s Suez Crisis
    6 months ago

    I have always understood that to mean, and be used to mean, that in the absence of explicit statements confirming the conjecture, we have to rely on appearances. So in this context it would mean that while the Yemeni’s have not stated that the reason for their actions is to support Palestine, the evidence and obvious appearances lead us to this conclusion.

    My issue with the use of the term is that I believe the Houthis have stated as much, so the author sounds like he’s ignoring official statements, but it’s possible that no official statements have been made, and in that case “ostensible” would be appropriate here.

  • The Japanese government is set to provide the United States with the Patriot interceptor missiles owned by Japan’s Self-Defense Forces.

    The government last Friday revised its guidelines on defense equipment transfers. This made it possible for Japan to export equipment manufactured domestically under license from a foreign firm to a country where the licenser is based.

    The systems that Tokyo has decided to send to the US under the revised rules are PAC-2 units, which are used to mainly intercept aircraft and cruise missiles, as well as PAC-3 units, which intercept ballistic missiles.

    Japan’s Defense Ministry said the decision was made at the request of the US, whose stockpiles of interceptor missiles have dwindled as it sent military aid to Ukraine.

    Tokyo plans to send the PAC-2 units currently owned by the nation’s Self-Defense Forces to the US, because officials say it would take several years for Japanese makers to produce new ones from scratch and export them.

    Defense Ministry officials said they will further discuss details of the plan with their US counterparts next year.

    The officials added that Japan’s own stockpiles of Patriot missiles are insufficient.

  • What are you talking about no one legally works for 10 cents? The USA prison population produces $11Billion in goods for for-profit companies under slave labor rules, guaranteed legal and constitutional by the very amendment that abolished private slavery. Privately operated prisons in the US use the world’s largest per-capita prison population as slave laborers. Any miniscule compensation the slaves earn they are required to spend buying services from the prison operators, who legally price gouge them on everything. Prisons charge prisoners between $100/day and $350/day to live in prison, which becomes legally binding debt after prisoners are released and failure to pay it back means jail time. The parole system is even larger, with even more people living under constant surveillance and their only responsibility is to get a job to pay back the prisons that held them there.

    In nearly every meaningful way the USA is more violent, more callous, more oppressive, more deadly, more negligent, more destructive, and more controlling than China.

  • The USA is less than 5% of the world’s population but has 24% of the world’s prisoners. Who is authoritarian?

    Prisoners in the USA produce over $11Bn worth of goods for for-profit corporations unde slave labor. Who has slave labor?

    The USA has camps that concentrate native Americans and South Americans into very small space where they die diseases of poverty and neglect. Who has concentration camps?

    The US Congress, upon revelations that the US military was spying on every single American citizen by recording every single phone conversation, text message, and all internet traffic, granted retroactive immunity to all the companies that helped the military do this. Who has an unfettered domestic spying apparatus?

    The USA produces almost nothing, yet, the per-capita carbon footprint of America is vastly larger than the per-capita carbon footprint of China. Who spews more carbon shamelessly?

    The purchasing power of the average Chinese person is higher than the purchasing power of the average American. In 70 years, China lifted 800 million people out of poverty. In those same 70 years, the US has gotten worse on life expectancy, infant mortality, and maternal mortality. Who exploits their people more?

    The USA sterilized black and brown women well into the 1970s under eugenics programs that they started well before the Third Reich.

    Everything you think you know about China has come from a wide array of news sources, all of which publish that exact same political line, and all the opposing viewpoints are crushed before they even make it to the editors. Forbes magazine is part of a media empire built by the fortune of the Forbes who built a financial empire funded by the Forbes who built a railroad empire funded by the Forbes that made his fortune selling opium to China when the British literally forced the Chinese to reverse their laws banning opium at gunpoint. Who controls their media?

    Your perspective is so thoroughly saturated with centuries of propaganda that you can’t even imagine the idea that it’s wrong. You literally don’t even know what would constitute evidence that you are wrong.

  • What a ridiculous distinction. Do you really think this narrative difference in motivation is noteworthy? What is scarcity if not an environmental consideration? What is lack of sustainability if not an environmental consideration?

    It’s being done because it leads to a sustainable equilibrium of their social system. Whether that meets your standards of rhetorical “intentionality” to meet the criteria for “environmentalism” is meaningless.