When have the right wing moron billionaires who run wallstreet, circularly own all the media outlets and have their grubby hands up the ass of every politician whos (elected) allowed to serve, ever decided to do what’s smart? They usually let things reach critical mass before allowing any half assed attempt to solve even part of the issue.
Lets nuke the shit out of the shitty parts but keep the decorated live tree, pretty lights, egg nog, giving poor people and or family members things they cant normally afford and radicalizing our younger family members to be anarchistic leftists over ham or turkey or Chinese food while your older relatives try to push them as far right as possible and complain about everything that comes out of your mouth. You know the good parts of Christmas.
This whole time i thought it was dioxy rizzz o nuke-in-your anus
Except that manifesto sounds fake AF bootlicking cops in the first sentence? he more than likely dead man switched the one on pepmangione dot com slash manifesto
A better judicial system, one where it implicitly illegal for those with money to receive preferential treatment. And one where victimless crimes built on abstract ideals of abstinence only moralism dont ruin the lives of marginalized people while wealthy privileged individuals engage in these same behaviors with impunity, and one where qualified immunity isn’t grossly abused to avoid consequence for a militarized police force and portray a fantasy image tjat police generally always have a pristine moral compass and aren’t just flawed human beings with a propensity to abuse their power in a system with so many unjust laws that are designed to favor those with privilege and wealth.
How about just that for starters and i will get back to you for any further improvements.
I talk about this all the time.
Like how cant people see America is now totally fascist. This coup didn’t get squashed just postponed. One of the main architect’s sons and grandson were sitting presidents and the us is now completely controlled by corporate power at the intersection of wall street and military / prison industry. Its so obvious and so fucking enraging.
By that line of reasoning they can also shoot up speedballs whenever they feel like it. Man the people who write the rules just casually flaunting their invincibility to thus aforementioned rules.