• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • Yeah that bike path looks sweet, not sure why a cyclist would go in the road. But lets not pretend the reason is nefarious

    I never did… I literally said I just did not understand the behaviour… that is all… the entire “bad faith argument” is in your head

    Mate, you are advocating against some of the infrastructure I care about most

    No, I am trying to understand why they are not used when they are, by far, the safest option.

    No, I got if from the part I quoted… : I do my best to give as much space and look after cyclist even though It’s the “even though” part. That rhetoric suggests that you’d be in the right to not give space or something

    So it’s a surprise to you that erratic behaviour on the road may lead to more accidents?! If I had said the same thing about drunk drivers, would you assume I am giving myself the permission to go out and hurt them? I think this interpretation says more about you than me bud. The only reason I even posted here was to try and understand why cyclist do not use their safer options, precisely because I cannot understand why people would choose to put themselves in harms way… it turns out, people like you rather put themselves in danger and blame everyone else for, <checks notes> saving a few minutes in commute

    As far as I’m concerned those sarcastic comments of mine are still your opinion.

    Oh so you issue an opinion, assign it to me and then attack me for it?.. well that’s a new level of strawmaning

  • I think what they’re actually trying to say is that you have some observational bias, not that two wrongs make a right.

    I don’t think it’s a bias. The issue here is that if a car causes a low speed collision with another car, as bad as it is, there is a good chance the “worst” damage is property damage. If a cyclist is involved, on the other hand, there is a HUGE risk of bodily harm or death.

    I also kinda want to point out that bikes rolling stop signs isn’t dangerous

    It is incredibly if they are going straight on the same road a car is turning right.

    I DO see a bigger problem if a cyclist runs a Stop sign, not because it’s a worse road infraction but because the risk they are taking is orders of magnitude greater. And to boot, if I as a driver see a pedestrian, I assume they will follow pedestrian rules, if I see a car I assume they will behave as a car. Cyclist on the other hand usually follow a hybrid pattern, they may jump on or off the road as they please, they may or may not stop at signs of red lights, they may or may not signal turns (yes, I know, car drivers do the same but I know a car cannot turn where there is no road, a cyclist can turn whenever)

    The problem is that if you simply ask a question here, it immediately goes “car bad, bike good” and a conversation cannot take place

  • Ah yes, I’m sure no bikes have to take a left around you.

    It’s actually something like a 3 Km straight run (the path I am talking about). There is 1 service road that opens some times in the year but it sits at a full intersection.

    I’m sure you even spoke with the cyclists and found out first hand that they do in fact not want bike paths

    No, which is why I posted my comment, I don’t get what they do this, sometimes even with kid carries in the back

    Like how am I supposed to believe this?

    Same way I am believing the points on your reply… you know, before you just started getting mad for no reason. Do you want to know what path I am talking about? here it is: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3ZZ2eDbovvypowbM8

    Bike path on both sides of the road

    I like how the connotation of this is that you have some sort of valid excuse to endanger their lives

    Did you get that from the part I said I do everything possible to give them space? it is hard when you have a vehicle on the road that does not follow the road rules. A cyclist that goes through a red light is as dangerous as a car doing the same…

    I like how I gave real reasons that I personally occasionally don’t use a bike lane

    The strawman was the sarcastic comment about how cyclists “just don’t want” to use the road… you can’t even keep your argument straight

  • None of what you claim takes place in the area I am referring to. And I do my best to give as much space and look after cyclist even though they seem to want to share the road but never respect road rules (like stop signs or red lights)

    But sure, pointing out a reason why people who do not bike may not want to support bike lanes that even cyclists do not want to use, makes me the bad guy and I am immediately hit with a strawman accurately highlighting you just had no other way to turn this bad cyclist behaviour on me

    Imagine if anyone came here claiming they ride the shoulder regularly because it’s less bumpy and saves some time… then insult anyone asking why are people driving on the shoulder