• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We need to get ahead of this. In a few short hours, maybe just a day or two, they will consolidate support around Trump again.

    Our job is to meme the best lines of Trump’s insanity as much as possible, and spread the message far and wide. Trump is easily manipulated by Kamala. Trump’s only leaders he respected tonight were Venezuela and Hungary / Orban. I dunno, I’m bad with memes. But you all get the gist.

    /r/conservative will get itself together shortly. But we need to spike the football tonight.

  • I appreciate the stats.

    Gas is the largest single component, but gas plus coal together comprise only 42% of the energy mix. The rest is nuclear and renewables (though I quibble about biomass being counted as a renewable).

    And if you look at the change of the energy mix over time, fossil fuel usage has been declining, though taking massive powerplants offline is not a quick process.

    Its going to be difficult to dislodge combined cycle natural gas. Its very efficient, very cheap to spinup. Yes its still a fossil fuel, but its the best of fossil fuels. 60% efficiency means getting 50% more energy per CO2 (compared to 40% traditional plants). As far as I’m aware, natural gas is cheaper than most battery technologies.

    Nuclear is good, and continues to be a major supplier at night (when people are likely charging cars). Natural gas drops by 5GW at night, so that’s a good sign and the grid at night might be less carbon (even if there’s less overall energy due to missing solar). So more nuclear energy into the mix might mean that night energy was better overall. Hmmmmmmm. Okay, I’ll accept your point overall.

  • The grid is still natural gas or coal mostly. And even solar enthusiasts don’t charge their cars primarily in the day (we all charge our cars at night, when solar no longer is helping).

    We shouldn’t be tracking electricity -> motion per se. We need to be tracking natural gas -> electricity -> motion, which has a rather inefficient step.

    Hybrids at 40% thermal efficiency, like Prius / Toyotas Atkinson engine, should lead to less overall burning of fossil fuels than a 40% coal plant making electricity -> 5% losses in wires -> 20% losses in the battery -> 10% losses in the electric motor.

    Now combined cycle natural gas is 60% thermally efficient. And that’s where EVs gets their biggest boost IMO. But not all Nat Gas is combined cycle, it differs strongly from location to location.

  • Still, in this post do we know we’re looking at the right side of his big fat head? Photos are easily mirrored.

    Photos are easily mirrored but Trump’s hairstyle is reliably Trump’s right to Trump’s left. So this alleged photograph is definitely of Trump’s right ear.

    With the AP seeming to withdraw this photograph, there’s some controversy at play here. But AP is a well respected news brand. Surely they’d write about a story if they found something here.

  • Yes, but the difference is that when showing said irrefutable evidence in a group setting, the neutral parties who are listening into the discussion can see who is a dumbass.

    Its not about convincing the Trump supporter. In many cases, its about convincing the low-information undecided voters who are sitting around or just casually listening in.

    We aren’t there quite yet. I’d like to see more evidence than just one picture that’s been seemingly withdrawn by the AP. If Trump’s ear truly is healed up by now, we’ll get more pictures soon.

  • The footage has Trump grab his ear midspeech, look around and get down immediately.

    Something hit Trump’s ear. Its so weird that the Trump team thought it’d be best to pretend it was a bullet this whole time, surely they would have seen the wound and would have known?

    Any doctor who saw the ear afterwards would have been able to say Bullet vs Glass vs whatever based on what they saw. If this whole “bullet to the ear” thing ends up being a massive lie created by Trump’s team, that speaks poorly of this upcomming election. Especially if it becomes representative of Trump’s lying and how much he makes his followers look like a fool.

    If it ends up to be a true bullet-to-the-ear scenario, then whatever. Kamala looks like she was on her way to gaining momentum for the near future anyway and she has much better chances than I ever expected. (She’s not winning in the polls yet, but her energy is palpable. I can believe that she can turn this around between now and November, even without relying upon this weird ear thing going on…)

  • Trump’s Doctor said a bunch of things.

    I 100% believe that those articles existed (largely echoing Trump’s doctor), even if I didn’t see them personally. Different segments of the press assign different amounts of reliability to different political figures. It seems like the Democrats / Leftist print is to the advantage here compared to the Right who published the articles about the exaggerated claims of Trump’s Doctor.

  • FBI Chief Wray was very careful saying that “Bullet or Shrapnel that Hit Trump’s Ear”, leaving things ambiguous. It set off some discussion online last week, with people wondering why he didn’t just say “The bullet that hit Trump’s Ear”.

    I guess FBI Chief knew something was up already and was already hedging his bets. Well, I’d expect intelligence to… well… know things before everyone else.

    Obviously Trump was bleeding from his ear. Something absolutely hit it. But if its healed this well by now, it probably wasn’t an AR-15 round.

    Very interesting. I don’t think Trump can just leave that thing bandaged up for the next few months, everyone knows he’s gotta take the bandage off permanently eventually. The truth will come out.