Ocean: “your land, my choice”
Ocean: “your land, my choice”
Perhaps not “take him out”, but I do hope Biden finally grows a pair and goes scorched earth on Trump by generally using the supreme court ruling to make life as difficult as possible for him, for example releasing all the Epstein files. I’m so sick of the Democrats continuing to think they can use reason and the moral highground while fighting a opponent who punches below the belt. Get down and fight dirty for once!
“Because fuck you, give me money” - AJ
I get so tired of these headlines that are basically “Authority figure says obvious thing”. Like, yeah, and so do most other people, thanks for the update.
I feel that divergence is what made DS9 so good. Instead of travelling around exploring aliens, we’re stationary exploring ourselves and our politics. It was a great idea to make a show about a completely different aspect of Starfleet life. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the last great idea they had.
War always favours the incumbent at election time, so the cynic in me thinks the US is dragging its feet quite purposely.
Fuckn YAWN Everything has to be a franchise now doesn’t it? They already butchered The Hobbit by turning a short story into 9 hours of crap by padding out and blatantly making shit up. It’s not like all these “safe bets” the studios are making are paying out too well at the moment, so why not try taking some smaller risks with new and different projects? I’m sure Hollywood is flooded with people with original ideas and scripts that are being bypassed because Fast And Fuckaround 11tyone needs to be made because money.
Not sure on the reason for the downvotes here. My understanding is they marketed it very poorly and they brought a hero shooter to a saturated market without adding anything new
Because once again, Trump just gets away with it. This is fucking bullshit.
And if Battlefield were still worth playing I’d give a shit. It has been well over 12 years since I got excited about a Battlefield game.
Are any flights involved? I feel some flights should be involved in this setup…
Rich guys and private islands… I’m sure nothing bad has ever come of that.
Street Fighter was OK, wasn’t it? I’m asking because I haven’t seen it since I was a teenager and my sensibilities may have changed since then.
Check out the first Mario Bros movie (1993 I think?) if you want to feel your brain vomit out your ears. How they got to that story with the source material is anyone’s guess.
Relevant, for those interested in the history of grep. Computerphile
At least be consistent with it too! I don’t know what it’s like in the States but internationally we don’t get 7/16" bolts or whatever, we get 10-gauge or 8-gauge etc. What the fuck does that mean?? And wiring too: no 8mm wire, no no let’s have 6AWG. Jesus christ it’s like they enjoy making life difficult.
True! We used to use pounds, shillings, pence as our currency and I’m very glad I never needed to deal with that shit.
Yes. That’s how proxies work.
But on the plus side, dumb people actively infect themselves and get removed from the gene pool.