An Embedded Software Engineer who does game dev as a hobby.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Good questions!

    So in an ideal world, if you have a feeling. You should be able to say something like “I am having emotions and I need some time alone to deal with it.” and then leave the area to find a safe space.

    Unfortunately, we are rarely living in the ideal world. The next best thing to do is to communicate that you are having feelings and might do some wacky stuff. Only do this if you feel safe to do so.

    If you don’t feel safe to communicate or go find a safe space, then yeah, your kinda stuck to power though it. If you find this happens often you have to weigh weather or not it is worth changing your situation. This is very hard to do and is a result of pervasive toxic masculinity and bad luck.

    As for the situation with your x it could be a range of things from she was affected by toxic masculinity as well (the expectation that all men need to be emotionless) or at worst, she was using the fact that you didn’t feel like you could show emotions against you. So when you showed emotions, the gig was up. Either way it sucks, I am sorry you went though that.

    My personal preference is to only date people who understand that all humans have emotions. You need to make your own calls in this regard. Again, unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world.

    Part of the challenge of moving away from toxic masculinity is we have to be firm with our boundaries. This may get expensive, so you have to weigh out how much life suck you can deal with. Its not always clear what the right answer is.

    Good luck!

  • deaf_fish@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonePoorly socialized rule
    1 month ago

    All right, let me give it a shot…

    Masculinity is good

    Toxic masculinity is not good.

    Toxic masculinity includes things like couching nice comments in mean comments. Saying things like toughen up instead of listening to feelings and concerns. Not doing a good job with personal hygiene because it’s “gay”. There is probably more, but it’s 7:00 a.m. and my brain is not thinking good.

    Being a man means that you’re a human. And like all humans you have feelings. No, you did not use your willpower and/or big brain to remove feelings from your system. No one can do that. All you’ve done is removed the ability for you to detect your feelings. Others can see them clearly, because you have lost the ability to identify your own feelings and are not able to tell when you are having them. Hint: A lot of times feelings will transform themselves into anger if you don’t have a good understanding of what’s going on inside you. Even feelings like sadness, if not understood can come out as anger.

    “I don’t know” is a valid response to a question.

    Not everything you do has to be “rational” we are humans not computers.

    Figure out, create, and enforce personal boundaries. Likewise respect the personal boundaries of others.

    As a human being, you have intrinsic value. This is not tied to the work you do or the money you make. It is only tied to the fact that you exist. Because of this, you deserve to live and enjoy life implicitly.

    Assuming you’re straight and you want sex with women. Sex is good. Straight women love sex with men just like straight men love sex with women. There is an unfortunate history between men and women where men are the aggressors, and have caused lots of pain, suffering, and death. This does not mean you are bad. It does mean though that you need to deal with the consequences of that history. Understand that going on a first date from a woman’s perspective is very scary. So don’t do anything that would cause concern. Be considerate. Give the woman an out. Keep your sketchy jokes to yourself for a couple of dates.

    When dating, remember and enforce your boundaries and respect their boundaries. Women, like men, are not intrinsically good at relationships.

    Pro dating tip from me to you: I have found sometimes that women just want to have someone listen to the problem they’re having and sympathize. They’ll do this even though they already know the solution. My instinct has been to try to suggest solutions. This does not go well. Just listen to their problem, resist the urge to suggest the obvious solution, and say something like " Wow, that sounds hard!"

    I understand what I’m asking is very hard to do, but remember 99.999% of my advice also applies to all humans, not just men. It’s just as men, you’ve been kept out of the loop by culture. It’s not your fault. Feelings and boundaries are hard for everyone. It’s like learning how to ride a bike at 30 years old. Most everyone already knows how to do it. And now you’re at the age where it’s hard to learn.

    Don’t forget you have intrinsic value. Love yourself!

  • Yeah! We need to make it really clear that we don’t care about the really big greenhouse gas producers, or the people that are a thousand times more wealthy and more problematic than Tailor Swift.

    We just want to sound like we care by targeting someone who is comparatively not doing that much damage.

    It’s all for the lulls after all.

  • Interesting. I’m pretty ignorant about the Zapatistas. Looking over the Wikipedia and they seem all right.

    I don’t quite follow you. Do you mean like instead of winning the revolution. You take a chunk of the country create borders and install some kind of anarchy?

  • That’s fair. I think generally anarchists have good ideas. If there is a violent revolution, I would probably end up being your comrade in arms.

    I don’t think we would win though. Most people think anarchism is a bad word right now. I can’t imagine recruiting fighters during the revolution under the banner of anarchism. Hell even progressivism isn’t very popular. As always, liberals are the problem.

    We may have to have a revolution but I think it needs way more time to cook.