@FlyingSquid “Ok, then. That was always allowed!”
Large sheep the size of a small sheep! Late 20’s queer sysadmin, release engineer and programmer. Likes tea, DIY, and nerd stuff. Follow requests generally accepted but please have a filled out profile first!
@FlyingSquid “Ok, then. That was always allowed!”
@sharkfucker420 It’s a good thing “A Modest Proposal”[1] wasn’t titled “The Benefits of Cannibalism” because I guess people would have taken that at face value as well.
@fossilesque Don’t forget those of us in the back row because we slept in and got there late!
@P4ulin_Kbana @potentiallynotfelix fw = fuck with. It means they like it.
@Gaywallet I have a couple thoughts on this:
This seems like a way that device attestation could worm its way further into our devices. Right now Google is trying to watermark AI-generated photos as AI, but you could easily go the other way - if a photo hasn’t been manipulated, it’s signed with a key that is locked down to device attestation. What, your phone is rooted? That’s kinda suspicious - how am I supposed to know your photos are real?
Short of that, though, I suspect that the most likely consequence of this is the videos will start being increasingly seen as necessary for true proof, since those are harder to fake - for now, at least. And of course, there will be a lot more misinformation on the internet, especially in the short term while awareness of this catches up.
@HawlSera I do recognize that tomboys, buff women, etc are worth representing, (and we should push for their inclusion) but that’s not what I’m talking about - I mean people who look like “men” but use pronouns other than he/him.
@HawlSera @chloyster I mean, I absolutely know people who use she/her but present very masc, and vise-versa. They may be relatively uncommon, but so are trans people in general and we’re still worth representing. Not to mention non-binary people who have relatively binary gender presentation. Your experience is absolutely not universal.
@chloyster @alyaza I had no idea the series was developed by Humongous! That studio made so many good games that I’m nostalgic for.
“Why didn’t she just keep her job, give us part of the wages to pay somebody else to do it?” he asked. “That is the thing that the hyper-liberalized economics wants you to do. The economic logic of always prioritizing paid wage labor over other forms of contributing to a society is to me … a consequence of a sort of fundamental liberalism that is ultimately gonna unwind and collapse upon itself.”
“It’s the abandonment of a sort of Aristotelian virtue politics for a hyper-market-oriented way of thinking about what’s good and what’s desirable,” he added. “If people are paying for it and it contributes to GDP and it makes the economic consumption numbers rise, then it’s good, and if it doesn’t, it’s bad … that’s sort of the root of our political problem.”
It’s really funny when conservatives are like “See the problem with Wokeness is <describes capitalism>”
@snow_bunny Nah, it was Sonos. Which, I guess the app ecosystem is their whole thing - but I didn’t know that at the time. I just wanted a basic sound bar, and the reviews didn’t really mention that all that extra fluff was mandatory.
In retrospect Sonos sucks for a lot of other reasons too, so I guess it was a bullet dodged.
@The_Picard_Maneuver I once bought a TV sound bar that wanted me to download an app, make an account and give it detailed location information just to use it as a wired speaker. I returned it.
@WoahWoah Not to be the obnoxious didact in the room but I do feel compelled to point out that vegetables/herbs soaked in oil at room temp are generally not a good idea unless you like botulism poisoning: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/food/preservation/herbs-vegetables-oil-sp-50-701
Just for anyone who’s not aware! Honestly, immediately shitting yourself was not even close to the worst possible outcome lol.
@AVincentInSpace @remington The Lemmy devs are infamously difficult to work with. They’ve repeatedly shown an unwillingness to even acknowledge the existence of the many problems that instance admins face. That has been a big driver in Beehaw’s decision to move platforms, not just because of a difference in political views, and they’ve been pretty open about discussing it. You’re way off-base.
@kid TL;DR: If you have a secret variable in your CI/CD pipeline and it’s written to a file that subsequently gets artifacted, anyone who can access that artifact can also read your secret variable.
Feels like a “no shit” moment but I guess I can see how someone could make this mistake in a more complicated setup than the example in the blog.
@agressivelyPassive You should still clean your kitchen though, that’s my point.
@agressivelyPassive @technom That’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, IMO. Well-structured commit histories with clear descriptions can be a godsend for spelunking through old code and trying to work out why a change was made. That is the actual point, after all - the Linux kernel project, which is what git was originally built to manage, is fastidious about this. Most projects don’t need that level of hygiene, but they can still benefit from taking lessons from it.
To that end, sure, git can be arcane at the best of times and a lot of the tools aren’t strictly necessary, but they’re very useful for managing that history.
@improbablynotarobot I do! My main keyboard is an Ergodox, and I make heavy use of the extra thumb keys. Having enter/del/backspace on my thumbs alone is really nice, and I also keep a layer toggle next to them. Commonly used keys, like my navigation cluster and a numpad stay close to the home row on two different layers.
The one thing I don’t make much use of is symbols on layers, which takes a bit more getting used to than I’ve put time in for. Instead I just use the dedicated number row.
@improbablynotarobot I own several split keyboards at this point and very much prefer them. I have RSI and it’s much more comfortable to type and helps keep my wrists at a comfortable angle.
As for tenting I haven’t experimented with it much, but I know that a lot of people swear by it.
@prole Fedora, which Bazzite is based on, disables this at boot time by default. There are instructions on how to enable it in Fedora here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Sysrq#How_do_I_enable_the_magic_SysRq_key?