It’s going to get worse
It’s going to get worse
As I headed out for my morning coffee I noticed a wreath on my neighbor’s door. I thought, “Already?”
With all the context behind it I think the last scene of Star Trek: The Next Generation counts
Edit: Added link
There’s a way to get a regular signin after the fact; I had this same problem. I will get back to you.
Edit: Here you go
I like sun as much as the next person but I feel getting more daylight by changing the clocks is like going on a diet by changing the definition of a pound. Standard Time all year for me please.
I do. My coffeehouses aren’t crowded yet; it’s awesome.
I settled on it after trying Sync
Mobile: I update one app a day (the one that’s been waiting the longest) and check for system updates once a day. I install them as soon as I get them. Desktop: I run Debian testing and upgrade all my packages once a day
I haven’t contributed to Reddit since the API fiasco. I will sometimes still read it but a lot less than before. I contribute here now.
I started with the Hobbit really wanting to finally read the Lord of the Rings but I couldn’t get into it
This was going to be mine. I love this game! It’s more fun when folks go in cold and learn as they go along. Really easy to take turns so everyone gets a chance.
I’m glad it’s there. I use it professionally to check the spellings of words.
i honestly remember the Gmail Inbox app being better than the current Gmail app
It absolutely was
I’m sorry. Perhaps if you search for “hbo logo flying through space” you’ll find something.
Infinite growth is impossible on a planet with finite resources