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Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Americans get cheaper EVs…

    For a few years, until the American automakers go bankrupt, as you said, then the Chinese automakers increase prices 10x.

    …and the legacy auto industry gets taught a valuable lesson as companies who refused to modernize go bankrupt.

    What a valuable lesson, get subsidized by an authoritarian government so that you can offer vehicles below cost. Also be sure to add spyware for the aforementioned authoritarian government.

    Do you even understand what below cost means? No amount of modernization will counteract it.

  • They could have “convinced” Mitch McConnell not to block the nomination by any thousands of legal, illegal, and extra-legal means.

    No, they couldn’t.

    All I’m saying is, when corporate America is in trouble, it truly seems like anything is possible.

    Yes, because Democrats want to help people, and Republicans only care about ultra wealthy people and corporations. Corporate America is the overlap in this particular Venn diagram.

    When actual American lives are at stake, they just shrug and bemoan the rules they’re in charge of making and enforcing.

    Republicans do that and block help. See Republicans with the recent bridge collapse all the way back to super storm Sandy.

  • I’m sorry, but the Republicans would have fucking just steamrolled the parliamentarian, and the fact that the Democrats wouldn’t shows their milquetoast, waffling, ineffectual cowardice.

    So they should have violated the rules of the Senate? They have a razor thin majority, 48 Dems and 3 independents. You would need all of them to be willing to violate the Senate rules to pass immigration as a reconciliation bill.

    We could also talk about the recent immigration bill

    So you go from being upset that they didn’t try to pass an immigration bill to upset that they did. The Democrats negotiated with Republicans to achieve one of two outcomes, either the Republicans go along with it and it removes the issue from the election or the Republicans torpedo it and they go into the election season having been given everything they wanted and refused it. It’s gamesmanship.

    There was also the unwillingness to prosecute Bush & Cheney for war crimes.

    And what court exactly would have allowed the destruction of presidential immunity for official presidential acts? The correct answer is none.

    Democrats have literally spent my entire adult life PRETENDING that Republicans are operating in good faith when every available piece of evidence screams bloody murder that the Republicans are not acting in good faith.

    Who has claimed this? The Republicans have become a party of obstructionism. They do not care if the government functions. That means they aren’t willing to compromise and they will use every lever of government to sabotage any work done.

    If the Republicans control either chamber of the legislature, nothing can get done. If there is a republican president, nothing will get done. Your solutions are ill conceived and don’t address reality. If you just want to be angry, go ahead. Throw in a “both sides are the same” while you’re at it. I prefer pragmatism and reality.

  • Your comments are made in the context of the OJ story, so to say “Dont we all want our executors to try to carry out our wishes to the best of their ability?” is incredibly dishonest.

    Personal representatives must pay the debts of the estate. They can decline or challenge debts that they believe to be invalid. The debt to the Goldman family is a valid judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction. What legitimate challenge is the personal representative making about the debt?

    I assume the challenge is an effort to waste all of the assets of the estate on attorneys fees and administration costs. Essentially so that when a court tells them that they must pay the Goldman family that there are no assets left to pay.

  • I’m not saying they need to be paid the same, but people here seem to purposely ignore the math

    Yes, you…you are the one ignoring the math. The WNBA has existed for 27 years and doesn’t make any money. In 2019 the WNBA brought in $60m, while the NBA brought in over $7b. In 2019 WNBA lost $10-12m. Can’t find a source on profit or loss newer than 2019.

    WNBA is projecting $200m in 2023, NBA is at $10.5b. WNBA is improving, but not even in the same ballpark as the NBA. Also remember that there is a base cost to run the league, so the players can’t just take the same percentage. Their CBA has revenue sharing but they haven’t hit the metrics to trigger it.