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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Worst that could happen is that you get denied insurance coverage or pay a bigger premium than you should. Or get caught easier if you decide to succumb to a life of crime. Or in the future they might be able to figure out if you have predisposition towards addictive behaviors and market gambling and stuff to you.

    So hopefully nothing too bad, but personally I’d still feel iffy about a private corporation owning the rights to my DNA.

  • 1991 when the sole reason for its existence fell

    Russia still exists so what are you on about?

    The soviet union doesn’t, but the power was always concentrated into Russia, and guess what, Russia wants their territory back now. The countries which existed under the USSR and never want Russian rule again? Russia sees them as rightfully theirs. I for one am glad to have NATO protection. And I’m glad something is being done to help our brothers in Ukraine, because they weren’t as lucky as we were, to join the EU and NATO.

  • I don’t have anything specific to out him with, he mostly seems like a genuinely nice dude, but here’s my take on him:

    Louis Rossmann pretty much supports right to repair because he ran (runs?) a board-level Apple device repair shop and his life would be much easier with access to schematics. And he’s got a YouTube channel that got loads of views from blasting Apple with all this, so he must’ve realized that this would be popular with his viewers too.

    He’s also a libertarian. In many areas, it seems like he’s for LESS regulation of companies. Including on workers’ rights, because “the free market will make everything great”. Are we really sure his right to repair stance is genuinely because he wants the best for everyone?

    That said, if I had an Apple device with a bad logic board and I was in the area, I’d take it to him without any hesitation. I honestly doubt he’s scamming his customers. Like, ever. I think his business practices are good, it’s his political views that are suspicious.