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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I gotta imagine much of them weren’t actually successful.

    You’re right. Any individual person going in for these scams is almost guaranteed to lose their lunch money. But from Etsy’s perspective (and I assume Imgur’s), they only need a tiny fraction of their sellers to get the jackpot in order to keep the money train rolling. If they can get a single dollar a month out of 20% of their users, that’s still a baby dragon’s worth of a horde every 30 days. And I’m sure they have other fees and hedges to ensure that even if you never make a penny in sales, Etsy still comes out ahead on you.

  • That’s 1 string theorist, Brian Greene. It is absurd to call all string theorists liars. Are all psychologists liars because they had a reproducibility crisis?

    That’s like saying NDT is “one astrophysicist” or Freud is “one psychologist”. We’re talking about the guy who brought the entire concept to the public, and he’s sure as shit not the only guy who wrote fantastically optimistic treatises about a concept that real physicists didn’t bother with because it was inherently unfalsifiable due to being entirely untestable.

    None of them wrote books that said “Yeah, this is a cool thought experiment that will never be able to do anything scientific hypotheses are supposed to be able to do”. Fuck, just make another thread asking “What do y’all think about the Many Worlds hypothesis?” and you’ll get a hundred comments talking about how cool it is as they walk straight out of the real of science and into the realm of crackpot woo-woo speculation. BECAUSE OF THESE PEOPLE.

    Yeah, I agree with the video. After a certain point (I’ll be generous and say that point was 2000-2005), it was a lie. A scam. A con. No different from the guys who say the pyramids were alien landing markers and Stonehenge was built by fairies. It was a load of people saying nonsense stuff to sell books and speaking engagements.

  • While there’s a brief question (basically a vibe check) in the signup form, you’re probably going to be much more in-line with the beliefs and attitudes of Beehaw.org than Lemmy. Lemmy is kind of a free-for-all right now; they just had a large Lemmy instance that had to have some kind of big vote or “review” or something over whether or not to ban a The_Donald sub that like 2 people were posting in.

    Beehaw is intentionally moderated specifically to be a safer federation space, although you’d have to contact the admins about opening up a badwomensanatomy community (they don’t let just anyone spin up a sub whenever they feel like it, specifically to avoid having to go back and clean out a bunch of TD-like nonsense).

    Kbin is kind of in-between those two. Lemmy is the wild west, Beehaw is a protected grove, and kbin kind of tries to keep them both happy without compromising too much on either the heavy-modding side or the “we’re not sure if we’re cool with nazis or not” side. As such, you can see content from both, while Beehaw has defederated (basically blocked at the software level) a couple of the bigger Lemmy instances (including the “do we like nazis? let’s take a vote” instance).

    The downside of kbin is that it’s technologically still rough around the edges; as far as I know, there’s like one guy trying to keep up with everything on the backend, and he’s a little swamped right now, so features/suggestions are going to take a while to be implemented.

  • And over here, we have the Drama-Bitch habitat. If you listen carefully, you can hear its over-exaggerated mating call. This species is interesting because it involved a unique vision mechanism: it can only see the world in extreme shades of white and black. Scientists currently think this is due to generations of inbreeding. When threatened with any kind of nuance, it resorts to the loud braying from which it gets its name; an overdramatic lament of how the world will turn into a literal hellscape if it doesn’t get its way. It’s incapable of understanding how absurd it sounds, and insists on being taken seriously, even though its wailings are too idiotic to even begin to engage with.

    HEY! SIR! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON’T TAP ON THE GLASS! You get it started and it’ll disappear into its pillow fort and scream literally all day long!

    Moving on…

  • A good friend of mine made good money turning glass bottles of various types into bongs. The best sellers were the marble soda bottles with unlicensed Hello Kitty labels, but Sanrio C&D’d him pretty fucking quick.

    Otherwise, I can say for 100% certainty that the answer is absolutely not pretty rocks wrapped up in wire, aka, “jewelry”. Every lazy wannabe craft fair monarch is pumping out these low-effort bits of trash to the point that at least a third of the booths at any craft fair I go to is just stuffed to the gills with them.

  • Don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been covered in five pages of comments, but don’t date people who denigrate your hobbies. There’s no “age cutoff” for enjoying the things you enjoy. You don’t just stop enjoying things after a certain arbitrary age threshold.

    The old view of adulthood as being a time of constant misery, struggle, and hardship, in which every moment of enjoyment you manage to claw from it is a moment stolen from the future, which will be replaced by further misery, is fucking stupid. Do what makes you happy, and ditch the Karens.