And human
And healthcare
And literary everything
And human
And healthcare
And literary everything
I’m the same age
I found that stone was used for weight commonly up until recent times. I’ve been asked in person and one form what my weight is in kg (I think maybe health insurance?)
Same with Lbs and pints, but also milk. Every standard plastic milk carton is measured in pints, usually with ml/l printed on them these days. Smallest carton? 1 pint. Most common? 4. Giant carton 6 etc
UK here - never used stone, LBs or pints as a measurement
If I was measuring bodyweight, I would use KG. Grams for anything light.
The only time I see Milk measured in pints, is bottles or cartons of standard dairy milk in supermarkets. Any other milk is litres, including dairy such as Jersey / Cream top milk
Do you face many compatibility issues when gaming?
Whilst the performance needs improving, Last Epoch is something like 20gb
Go compare that to an ARPG like PoE2 or D4…
Exactly, veterans with a stockpile would be able to just buy the lot
I’m not sure if it is a problem, each currency has a specific purpose (ie materials split by expansion for a more level playing field on expansion release, faction specific, event)
I feel like it’s well designed if anything
The problem is when games go for size is that they don’t populate the world
The modern Assassin Creed games were a prime example of this - big world, completely barren
It’s like when Han Solo was frozen in carbonite
Somebody needs to free this little guy
Sega Mega drive from when I was 3-4 years old.
Sonic the hedgehog - unlock all levels cheat: Up down left right A Start (twice)