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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Anything is better than Reddit, IMO. Place is impossible to deal with and the bans are handed out arbitrarily…. But only if you don’t tow the decidedly left-leaning line. Users there are also more likely to be sissies as in running to the mods if you dare question them or cause them to need their crayons and safe space. You get the idea. I’m hoping this place is a little more balanced .

  • Exactly - it is your duty to question the Government and the scientists that work for them. Lets be honest, the Govt’s track record for truth is a tad suspect and thats being extra nice. As I said earlier, the alarmists have been selling this to us(or trying to) in differently wrapped packages now for several decades. Even back in the 1970’s there were hysterical claims being made. None of it came anywhere close to being true. So, logically, people question it.

    More importantly, people question the mitigation tactics which seem to only affect the lower/middle classes directly. Another tough thing for the average Joe to swallow.

  • Wow - are people really disbanding friendships over climate change stuff? Are you sure you were that good of friends prior? Id question all that. As for “deniers” , I dont think people questioning all of this are deniers, they are simply asking legit questions. Remember, this Climate thing has been being pushed/sold to us for like 60+ years now. We’ve been “Dead” numerous times now but pretty much none of it has come to fruition. So, can you blame people for being a tad skeptical? I dont.

    I also get frustrated with those that seem to ignore the very real concerns of the “working person” who finds it a little hypocritical that many of the loudest climate change activists(celebs, athletes, politicians, etc.) tend to NOT walk the talk. So, they can fly private jets, own 4 homes, two yachts and have Lamborghini collections but Im expected to eat bugs, drive a lame EV and ditch my perfectly good appliances? Yeah, sorry, thats a tough sell, IMO.

    I see some clean energy initiatives that do appear to make some sense. Slow adoption, logical solutions, etc. should be the way. Not slam dunk, draconian changes that wreck our energy girds and reliability. There should be a happy-medium here is what Im getting at. Im tired of the extremes and most people seem to be also.