God knows but you technically didn’t break the rule
Don’t worry! You don’t need a penis to shove things up that hole! :D It’s an equal opportunity sport!
The moment people realised Ukraine didn’t get immediately steamrolled pretty much everyone who does war analysis profesionaly that I saw were saying this would be a pretty long war that could go either way
Yeah buddy it’s the women who are too emotional. This is definitely a completely proportionate and rational reaction
What’s this from? It looks fun
System76 is a company that sells computers with a Linux OS pre-installed and made of hardware optimized to work especially with Linux(Linux will work on pretty much any hardware including apples). “Linux” in this context is a loosely defined colloquial term which refers to a large group of OS’s (the OS’s are also called Linux distributions/distros) which all use the same kernal component (this is the most important part of an OS) which is officially called the Linux Kernel. The actual OS’s can vary massively from one another POP_OS! is one of these Linux OS’s. You will have to pick a specific Linux distribution, which you can use to completly replace the current OS on any computer, including a MacBook, no virtual machine needed
How have u only gotten 3 achievements in 40 hours lol
This weird equivalence some people draw between liking/agreeing with a significant amount of ML work and defending everything the Soviet Union and CCP have ever done…it’s really weird
Have you submitted a bug report?
Why is Asuka wearing Rei’s plug suit?
thats referencing either the phrase “touch a nerve” or the person in question touches things/people too much, it doesn’t factor into this discussion where it’s describing properties of an object rather than personality traits
Reading about medical research on trans people: “4 of the 16 patients studied…” Like why are we even doing rhis
TLDR: poor project management & bad security and stability even though it specifically promotes itself as stable. Here’s a video I think explains it pretty well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5KNK3e9ScPo&pp=ygURbWFuamFybyBsaW51eCBiYWQ%3D
This is the dumbest “im so smart and edgy” comment I’ve ever seen. what we call a feral human today haa zero relation to life in pre-agrarian societies, also the idea that people …going to places were food will be makes them mindless zombies is so ridiculous thatI don’t even know where to start
20 minutes of looking into archeological sites will show you how complex and cooperative non-agrarian society’s were (I’m saying non here instead of pre because there are many instances of societies developing agriculture and then moving away from it due to various social/environmental factors)
You think the billionaires will stand by and let you do that?
i don’t think I’d like that very much
What’s 2+2?
Straight = heterosexual, Cis (short for cisgender) = someone who identifys with the gender assigned to them at birth i.e. anyone who is not transgender
It’s because a native Japanese speaker it’s likely to split an English word like lock into 2 syllables(and ad an oo sound to the end so the 2nd syllable has a vowel) resulting in “lo-ku” and there is no distinction between r and l in Japanese so it’s also “ro-ku”