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Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • I have a degree in postmortem science and hobby in anthropology/archeology/paleontology. The biggest extinction event this globe has ever seen, the Permian Extinction, where over 90% of ALL life (96% of ocean life) went extinct, was from pollution and a mere 10°C increase in global temperature. That’s all it took to decimate life on earth. The pollution and heat came from volcanoes, but we are on the same path. It’s already gone up 1.6°C… I do think humanity will survive, but not the majority of us.

    Some of my family doesn’t believe in climate change, and/or is religious to the point that they don’t believe in carbon dating and core sample data. I wish I could make them believe, but no data in the world will work.

    I was part of a documentary on the largest fires in recorded history and so many were within the last 10 years it was terrifying. One in the forests of Russia was still ongoing when the doco was finished and RELEASED!

  • I’ve been opting out of every single one, but some companies are assholes and make you send it in through a written letter (Meta) or worse, automatically accept it if you’ve even just used the app/site/product after they send an email to you regarding changes. The fact that massive corporations also say all matters must be resolved in small claims court and with mandatory arbitration with the company’s arbitrator is incredibly illegal sounding. Fuck you AT&T. They were the company who fought for revoking arbitration rights in contracts. The Supreme Court decided it was legal.

  • I’m immunocompromised and still mask indoors. I haven’t been sick at all since 2020 and it’s awesome! Between 40-60% of people have some form of permanent brain damage and 70-80% have long covid problems from Covid. The damage to the body compounds every time a person gest re-infected, so the numbers are terrifyingly high.

    I have a postmortem science degree and it required 4 years of pre-med/pathology. With all that and what we know about the virus, I am honestly not sure I’ll stop wearing a mask indoors until we find a cure or better vaccine. I can’t stand that politicians are trying to ban masks, essentially sacrificing the elderly, disabled, and ill. A government making medical decisions, creating an environment where a person can’t mask up, regardless of if they have cancer and want to stay safe; or if they’re severely sick with something else but need to pick up medication at a pharmacy… it’s dark. It’s fucked up

  • I’m a mortician/postmortem scientist, who used to run the WSU Funeral History Museum. Based on my research, I don’t think humans could exist without some type of religion/code/customs. As long as there has been death, even in ancient/prehistoric times, humans have been doing specific procedures, to say goodbye to their fallen loved ones.

    There’s writings in almost every culture that teach us about what these civilizations believed, and some are beautiful, while others are kindof terrifying, but it all wrapped around people trying to cope with death.

    Even if we found out complete proof for what actually happens when you die and after death, some people are still going to prefer their religion’s ideas because it brings them more peace. Death seems to be the clinch pin for all religions, and I honestly don’t think we’d have religion, if we didn’t understand the concept of death. People just want something to believe in.

    Now, the garbage parts of religion are created by people seeking power, money, and control, and as long as there’s those who desire to conquer others, religion will be made up and used as a scapegoat, as to why certain people deserve power.

  • There’s one of these, up my street, that started as a MAGA themed store, then they moved to more being Trump worshiping type products, then they promoted 2020 campaign stuff, then Let’s Go Brandon, and back to 2024 campaign stuff. I don’t even think they even like or support him, but are capitalizing on how his followers act in a fan-club manner and buy up all the merchandise.

  • Shelbyeileen@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCompost
    2 months ago

    What you’ve said is true. In my forensics class, we learned that police can actually use plants to find dead bodies, because you can see a noticeable oval of healthier plant growth. Older cemeteries flourish. There’s a few stories from the Neolithic Era about planting crops on the deceased, both humans and animals, but it’s mostly been erased from history. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s happened during Famines or situations like the dust bowl where civilizations weren’t rotating crops and depleted the soil.

  • Shelbyeileen@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCompost
    2 months ago

    We have a break room, and some people pack food from home? Morbid fact; if a decedent who has excess weight, gets cremated; the whole building smells like bacon. I remember walking in one day, (at my first job that had a crematory retort inside) and was so excited thinking our boss had bought us breakfast… nope… I gave up bacon for over 2 years.

  • Shelbyeileen@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCompost
    2 months ago

    Mortician here! This is, luckily not true. Recomposition is already legal in several states and they’ve had massive success with it. The national and state forests that received the recomposted remains are thriving. The only downside (for some people) is that the person who passed cannot be embalmed, and in most states, that means it’s illegal to have an open casket visitation to the public. Most states have laws that family can see their loved one without embalming if it’s been less than 48 hours after death, but they need liability waivers. The public, however, cannot be a part of an open casket funeral, unless the deceased has been embalmed and sterilized. Closed caskets are fine at any stage. They make hermetically sealing ones that lock in the decomposition smell and keep people safe.

  • Shelbyeileen@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzCompost
    2 months ago

    Mortician here!

    Recomposition (or Natural Organic Reduction) is already legal in several states: California, Washington, Vermont, Oregon and Colorado!

    As of right now, I think the compost is only allowed in national and state parks, but they’re doing testing on farms to check if there’s dangers to us consuming the crops and it’s been very successful and safe.

    Most diseases and viruses can’t survive the composting heat and the plants are thriving. It uses 87% less energy than cremation and burial and stops embalming fluids from leaking into our ground water. I’m really glad this is an option.

    There’s a scam company that claims you can put cremated remains in the ground and grow a tree… yeah, cremated remains turn into concrete when wet and the heat of cremation denatures nearly everything beneficial for plants. We constantly have to tell people not to put cremated remains on plants or the plants will join the family member that passed…

  • Ouch! I’m so sorry!

    For the bending backwards scale on the knees and elbows, anything past 180° counts. My knees and elbows curve back pretty far. The more severe the degree, the more severe the EDS, normally. Also, get checked for Cardiac EDS. It’s the most deadly. It’s basically EDS for veins and arteries. EDS also leads to the conditions where POTS forms and that’s its own can of worms

  • You’re in luck! I volunteer as a Disability advocate for EDS and Rising Voices of Narcolepsy.There’s a test for EDS called the Beighton Scale. If you have all 9, it’s a guarantee for the hypermobile type of it called hEDS. Even if you’ve got 5-6 on the scale, you probably have it. 9 is the worst, what I have. I’ve needed multiple surgeries and was designated as fully disabled by a judge in my early 20s.

    Having answers brings peace of mind, but what’s even more important is that your treatments will change. People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome ABSOLUTELY CANNOT use the antibiotics in the Cipro family. It causes vein collapse, circulatory system leakage, and aortic aneurysms. It can kill you. You also can’t do most stretches, so Yoga is a no go and physical therapy can only focus on strengthening your injured areas.

    Here’s the test. Hope it helps!


  • Yup! Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a BITCH. I was diagnosed in 2014 and I wish I could go back in time and scream at younger Shelby to quit gymnastics, quit cheerleading, and quit my job as a contortionist… on the outside, I look healthy and even do boudoir for a living, but my doctor says my ligaments are similar to someone in their late seventies. It’s hard when you look “normal” because everyone assumes you’re faking it.

  • I looked at the movie as a fun romp that’s a bit inspired by the book and that makes it bearable. The movie took the nerdiness down in a way that was very unrealistic, but understandable to the general public. Anyone actually in the nerd community knows that people find shortcuts and glitches, and do speedrun records competitively; but they removed the entire part about the first key being in the school area (where it would be attainable by all for free) and instead make it “Oh, I was supposed to drive backwards in this race that I need a very expensive car/weapons for”

    It’s a very pretty movie with a lot of fun Easter Eggs, but you’ve gotta separate and realize it wasn’t made for them to enjoy it.

  • You’re correct, I should have chosen the words better. I had the same classes as doctors for years and had to compete with them for grades, but my courses veered once the classes went onto curing people. (It’s a bit too late to cure them, by the time they get to us 😅)

    After that, was 4 semesters of postmortem science classes revolving around pathology, chemistry, embalming, biohazard protection, forensics, facial reconstruction; and the weird ones like funeral law/insurance, history of death, customs and religions, psychology of death and dying. I love doing reconstructions and creating prosthetics to match a photo when a person is too decomposed or injured. Giving people the chance to say goodbye and have closure is really rewarding.