Immortality doesn’t imply invulnerability. Statistically you’ll turn into a meat sack filled with shattered bones at some point. Pain eternal.
How long before this gets acquired by Match Group? They seem to have infinite funds for acquisition.
Did y’all watch the same movie?
He, for sure, tried to stop the balrog from making the biggest mistake of his life. The Balrog just didn’t listen.
So the formula for nits to Lumen is below:
614,000 = L / 3.426
2,103,564 Lumens
1m² of the sun is 127,000 Lumen. This TV is at most 2 m². It’d certainly be the last thing you ever saw.
Did we really need to prove a “once in a lifetime epidemic” decreased mental health?
Significant rise in mental health issues among children and teenagers. That didn’t happen with TV, music or books.
There is a significant rose in mental health issues across the board. Could it be because we are more informed and mental health is less stigmatized? No. Could it be because we’re telling the children (rightfully so) that the world is dying and that they need to reverse it themselves? No. Could it be because they’ve lived through 3 once in a lifetime recessions, and too many catastrophes to count? No it’s…
Does this even work?
Every “Choose your own adventure book” I ever read had the correct path, and every wrong choice had a 5 page “And then you died… go back to (page x).”.
No intertwining anything.
Columbine ruined The Matrix look real quick.
Will they eat the rodents? Yes. They will eat anything. edible or not.
Will you still have a rodent problem? Yes you will.
That’s not true. Chickens are fantastic at getting rid of bugs.
Got a tick problem? Not anymore.
However you will now have rodent problems and require something to take care of that: Terriers are great at that. So are cats.
Rumors of Couch Co-op’s Death have been greatly exaggerated.
JD Power a world renowned Advertising group. It’s research paid for by the company wishing to promote itself. It’s fake yelp for Auto Makers. Total biased crap.
If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it.
Straight to jail
Please contact an MSP if your Anonymous function has been running for over 36 hours.
Well it was really easy until you told me about it !
I mean how often do you really look up band member names? Spotify/Pandora/YouTube/Plex just return songs when you look up their names not their mugshot.
But that’s just a Theory… A [Medium] Theory!
What part of Op’s comment led you to this specific project? He could not even recall the name.