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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • We can’t incentivize people to change their behavior because no one is going to deliberately lower their quality of life.

    What politician is going to win on a platform of…

    Let’s make air travel so expensive that normal people can no longer regularly fly!

    Vote for me I’m going to double your electricity bill!

    You know that big SUV you love that is entirely impractical but you just like it because of how big it is… If you vote for me I’ll make gas $7 a gallon so that you can’t afford to have a giant SUV anymore.

    You know how you like to eat your Taco Bell nachos in your car with a plastic spork… If you vote for me I’ll replace the plastic spork with a cornstarch spork that starts to melt when you use it.

    The only thing that is going to save us is technology. Like air travel being fueled by biofuels, electricity costs kept somewhat normal by building new nuclear generation, giant SUVs being powered by batteries charged by nuclear/renewable energy, actually recycling the plastic spork.

  • Why do Linux nerds that care about this sort of stuff hate snaps so much?

    Is it the concept of snaps / flatpaks that is the issue or snaps specifically because Canonical is behind them?

    I know literally nothing about how they work except I installed the VLC snap and it’s fine.

    I couldn’t install Parsec (a remote desktop game streaming app) because of a missing dependency (an old version of lib-something codec that wasn’t in my newer version of Ubuntu). I spent like an hour trying to figure out how to take the 18.04 version and add it to 22.10. I don’t know Linux at all so I wasn’t making much progress. Someone, not the developers of Parsec, made a flatpak and it magically worked.

    I was afraid that because the flatpak was made by some random guy I couldn’t really trust it. I looked inside the flatpak and it’s seems to be nothing except for the Parsec deb coming straight from the official Parsec URL and that libcodec thing that was causing a problem.

    So from my perspective, not knowing the technical details or politics, what’s the problem?

  • This is such a fucking stupid argument to make.

    The reason airlines make x% of CO2 emissions is because people want to fly, they’re an airline, and there is no emissions free way to power a plane.

    The reason the plastic company makes x billions of plastic sporks every year is because I want a spoon to eat my Taco Bell Nachos in my car. They’re not making all the plastic pollution because they just hate the Earth.

    They’re not cartoon villains like in Captain Planet that pollute just to make pollution.