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Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Moreover, surrendering whatever Russia sticks a flag in is appeasement nonsense. We’ve already seen this strategy before WWII: *oh, Germany will be OK if we just cede Czechoslovakia. Oh, Germany won’t attack if we cede Alsace-Lorraine…" An aggressive power like Russia, who already tried to annex large portions of another sovereign nation in 2008 (they invaded Georgia and got their shit kicked in because they tried the whole “three day thunder run” strategy), almost certainly will not stop if you just “give them what they want”. Eventually, they’ll want more, and more, and more, and you wind up surrendering slice after slice after slice of your country.

  • I believe the Sermon on the Mount essentially says “clothe the naked, feed the hungry, take care of the sick.”. No limits on time.

    The Didoche was written in an era where Christian communities generally had little wealth and were constantly in danger of arrest or execution. This is NOT the case in most places now, and especially not in the US, which this meme is referencing.

    Nobody who’s suggesting state assistance is suggesting that we “take care” of people forever, at least not under the current system. Indeed, the data pretty easily shows that if you give people a place to stay, solid food aid, and some cash to deal with bills and miscellania, they start being functioning members of society, and get jobs and start the detox process or whatever interventions they need, really quick, like within months. This has been trialed even in the US in places like Denver, and it works.

    So what you’re really saying is “I don’t want more of my money going to helping other people.” Have fun being the richest man in the cemetery.

  • It’s not creditors - lawyers from his supplement company were attempting to get a bankruptcy judge to shut down InfoWars’ parent company. I don’t fully disagree with a lot of assessments saying this is pretty clearly Jones trying to manufacture a crisis to drum up cash (probably to pay the giant settlement he owes in CT). On the other hand, the judge handling his bankruptcy case is expected to make a decision on whether or not Free Speech Systems will continue operating by the end of next week, so Dan and Jordan may have to find someone else to style on for their podcast.

    And that’s my bright spot.

  • You would be VERY surprised - bigots are usually very willing to shoot themselves in the foot. I mentioned going to my city’s Pride parade once to a prospective landlord I was touring an apartment with, and they all but told me outright “I won’t rent to you”. I’ve also seen this happen with friends buying cars - a buddy asked me to go kick tires with him when he was looking for a new car, and since I’m white and he isn’t, the salesman that came out to talk with us IMMEDIATELY assumed I was the one buying the car.

    I also used to work commission-based sales myself as a cellphone salesperson. One common complaint I had from a lot of my Black and Hispanic clientele was that the anchor store sales staff (who were closer to them and better-stocked) would almost always assume they wanted to see the worst, shittiest phones (this was back right as the iPhone 5 was coming out), even if they had walked in ready to drop several thousand dollars on new Apple phones (which got us a commission of about $100 per device). These people would drive 20-30 minutes past THAT store to come to my store (the next closest) just so they didn’t have to deal with those salespeople.