• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So because I play a lot of games and read a lot of eBooks then I would say getting my first tablet was pretty great, even though it was a midrange one that was just thrown in to the deal when I was upgrading my phone and I probably wouldn’t have bothered otherwise

    It was a Samsung A8 from 2019, had about an 8" screen and I used it mainly as a kindle and games device. The games I play are mainly strategy or board games, but there were certainly some games that you wouldn’t necessarily think would cause a problem (Wingspan?) that would lag or crash. Since I review games it helped to have a second device to check things on, and a bigger screen is better.

    Last year I upgraded it to a Samsung S8 which is a flagship. It’s a 10 or 11 inch screen which felt more unwieldy though I’m used to it now. It can run more things. It’s a really nice device. The screen isn’t actually OLED but feels like it, the quality is amazing. It actually came with a stylus which was a neat touch. The screen is good enough that yes I have found myself watching more TV on it.

    However, when people say ‘productivity’, I don’t know really know what they mean by that tbh. I’ve got a work laptop for work. I’ve got my own laptop for other stuff. Do people mean drawing and things on tablets but that?

  • That’s a very black and white way of putting it. As long as you’re an adult who can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and you’re not spending hours obsessed with it I don’t think it’s unhealthy. The way you phrase ‘avoid it completely’ makes it sound like you’re going out of your way to avoid it already.

    (I think the problems are coming through with the generation being ‘brought up on porn’, and thinking real sex is like it is in the videos online but that’s a different story really.)

  • No, I just think he’s very bad at reining in an extremely impulsive and volatile personality which leads to him making rash decisions. Also he is always wanting to make sweeping changes rather than gradual ones which may have worked with Tesla and Space but doesn’t suit Twitter.

    And lastly, I don’t think he really cares that much either way - as others have said, he had to be forced to buy Twitter remember. He’s got this albatross around his neck which is losing him money every day. He probably resents it a bit, has probably nearly hit the truth that the only way you could make a social media company profitable is to make everyone pay - except for the fact that almost everyone then leaves.

    I think he’s too much of a wild card for anyone to involve in their cunning plan. I mean regardless of politics would you recruit him for your masterplan?

  • I just started using it for Android the last month or so when Chrome dropped the flag feature that let you toggle dark mode for websites with system dark mode.

    I have a VPN with an adblocker so that aspect of Chrome never bothered me so much. Chrome felt like it worked slightly smoother but at the end of the day a browser is a browser and Firefox does the job. (Samsung’s browser is actually surpringly good for those with a Samsung device looking for a Chrome alternative)

    Firefox does seem more trustworthy overall, although I’ve learned by now that trusting tech companies is not a sensible thing to do.