The Son of Eric must have been really good phonesmith.
The Son of Eric must have been really good phonesmith.
“Boss, most of the bricks we have are broken in pieces. We can’t build the wall per specifications.”
“We have a deadline, get it done however possible by the end of the day today.”
You would think that Microsoft would have implemented better functionally by now. Yeah they had WordPad but that sucked too.
Like, c’mon, allow me to alt-highlight blocks of text already.
I can think of only a few reasons why the military would have you take training in Texas:
Gunslingin’ with revolvers, single and akimbo
Practicing the perfect “Yeehaw”
Combat maneuver training in boots with spurs
Lasso training
I’m sure they won’t notice a few rolls of toilet paper going missing.
The best languages allow you to program not just emojis as outputs, but with emojis themselves. 🫳⌨️🖥️
There’s also the distance between our eyes, the mirror, and the length of the car that we drive that also play an important subconscious role in determining depth perception of the cars in our FOV behind us. This is something you just can’t replicate with a camera as it is fixed in one location that you’re not accustomed to.
We get used to this feeling quickly, even when driving rental cars that aren’t our own. Then our brain adapts to it and we’re all good.
A cool thought about sourdough starters is that they are unique. A starter from 1897 should impart a flavor unlike any other starter. It’s like the snowflake of the yeasty realm. is a pretty cool visualizer of all things meteorological.
Perhaps. But by then it certainly would be the year of the Linux desktop by then. What other operating system can handle years that long, starting from Jan 1, 1970 to Jan 1, 6.460263446E+5814. Linux, that’s what.
A bit older, but how did time even get standardized between time zones so we’re all synchronized to the same minute / second, only being different by the hour?
She’s the best thing that’s happened to the s scientific publishing field. I’m no longer a student but I still enjoy reading scientific papers and I’ll be damned if I have to pay $20 per article (which doesn’t go to the authors) since I no longer have access to a library that maintains relationships with these big publishers.
What really grinds my gears is that metadata on pictures you have in iCloud gets stripped when downloading to Windows. I take pictures of stuff for work and label them to know what the hell I’m looking at, but the descriptions disappear on file transfer.
So I gotta either:
Re-add in the description in the metadata
Label something else, like a sheet of paper or something and put it in the frame
Manually name each individual file after transfer, which is just as laborious as adding back in the metadata.