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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • I work in I.T. for a healthcare company. Ascension is a pretty large one. The bigger a company gets and the faster it grows, the more it takes on a diversity of varying technologies that all need to be managed, migrated, killed off, merged, hardened, etc. It’s a difficult job especially for healthcare. I know that the company I work for is working very hard to keep up with things, but it’s a logistical nightmare. You MUST have very smart people in charge that have the right priorities. You have to have information channels open to make sure administration knows what the potential issues are. Compartmentalization of information and access. There are so many potential points of failure it’s insane. And then there’s the most important thing of all: making sure all employees are educated enough that they don’t let their credentials get compromised.

    Things are getting worse in general because of how hard it is to stay on top of everything nowadays. I just recently got a couple of letters in the mail about my info being leaked by some companies that had my info. I just have to do my part to stay on top of my own responsibilities, watch my own identity and finances, and make sure those around me are being secure, as well. Everybody needs to know how important this is, and many do, but I don’t think enough people really understand or make it a priority.

    HHS is instituting new rules for healthcare (and other industries) to help track and respond to these things. The government is getting very involved with this now. I hope it helps.

  • I think a better term to use would be “fact-based policy.” I believe that even if we intended to rework politics to be more scientific, it would just lead to all the same manipulations and twisting of facts that current politics involves. Don’t like a particular scientific consensus because it interferes with your goals? Hire a bunch of “think-tanks” to publish contradictory papers. Hah, guess what, that’s where we already are.

  • As somebody who used to be a functional alcoholic, here’s how I like to put it to people simply: The brain doesn’t operate independently of the body. If you’re consuming something that negatively affects systems across the entire body, even if the short term effects on the brain aren’t as severe as those other parts, it will still end up affected. If you’re a drinker and you’re noticing long-term effects in your brain, you’ve likely by that point already done much more severe damage to your other internal organs. That damage affects your brain’s ability to take care of itself, among other things. Let’s just say it’s best to not let things get to that point.

  • I had no idea the center was run by Mormons prior to visiting. While walking around, one of them approached us with a pamphlet and tried to get us to board a bus so they could take us to their temple. I was like, “Let me get this straight. You, a perfect stranger, would like me and my girlfriend to get in your bus, so that you can take us to some unknown location that we’re not familiar with? No thanks.” My mind was a little blown by that. It is a super touristy place though, so I wonder how many people they actually convince to go see their church. Like an attraction or something.