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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • What Biden needs to do, like right fucking now, is pack the courts. AOC trying with a token effort to get them impeached is cute, but will ultimately fail because Republicans won’t turn on their own. The Senate is tied (if you count Bernie as one of the dems) and Harris has the tiebreaker. The house is controlled by the Republicans, but only 7 individuals need to break from their party in order to get a simple majority to save the future of America.

    Biden could expand the SCOTUS from 9 seats to 13 and immediately submit 4 liberal justices for confirmation to be seated. Expanding the court doesn’t require congressional approval, so Biden could do this unilaterally and as long as he is able to get butts in those seats, they’re there to stay even if Trump squeaks his way back in. They could then challenge and overturn the immunity ruling, as well as all the other dogshit rulings that have come out in the last couple of years like Dobbs.

    He threatened to do it before. He needs to actually pull the trigger.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    1 day ago

    I am aware of the situation, and its the same things that democrats would do in the same situation.

    That which is asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. No proof that democrats would do the same in that situation and we have 200 years of peaceful transfers of power to prove that.

    You assume that I am a trump vote, but I am not.

    Nobody simps this hard for Trump if they aren’t also planning on voting for him too. It’s okay, I already think you’re an idiot, I can’t possibly have a lower opinion of you right now. You might as well just say the quiet parts out loud. I’m certainly not trying to convince you to change your vote at this point. I already know whose “team” you are on anyway, since you seem to think this is just a game.

    I just know that your team sucks more than his team and does worse things, like try to throw the most likely presidential candidate in prison.

    The RNC had two whole years to pick another candidate. Two years knowing that Trump was under felony indictment and could very likely be imprisoned right around the election. This was not an accident - they are using the fact that Trump is being tried in court as a political weapon. The Republicans think you are stupid and will try to convince you that this is a plot by the democrats when in reality, Trump did this to himself by committing the crimes he did. If Trump doesn’t want to go to jail, maybe he should have thought about the consequences.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    1 day ago

    …by submitting a fake slate of electors. I feel like this is not that complex of a concept to grasp, but I’ll simplify it for your FOX News-addled mush brain:

    Imagine a scenario in which 10 people eating at a restaurant all want to decide what to have for dessert. After some discussion, they’ve narrowed the choices down to Key Lime Pie or Cheesecake. The kitchen will only make one dessert for the table, so the table has to pick one or the other, they can’t have both. Naturally, the table takes a vote to see which dessert a majority of people will be satisfied with. 6 people vote for Key Lime Pie, and 4 people vote for Cheesecake. Key Lime Pie wins. So the table sends one of their group to go and take the order to the kitchen, making it official. But along the way, one of the Cheesecake guys decides that they don’t give a shit if most of the people at the table wanted something different and they intercept the guy delivering the order. They tell that person that a few people at the table changed their minds and now Cheesecake actually won so they should tell the chef to make that instead. Of course, the people at the table did not change their minds, this was a lie meant to trick the person delivering the order into doing what they wanted rather than what the majority demanded.

    Given that scenario, don’t you think it’s unfair that the people who voted for Key Lime Pie would have been deprived of the dessert that they actually wanted and most people agreed on had the person who submitted the fake order actually succeeded?

    Same thing here. Trump was the government, so there was nothing to overthrow. He overturned the election to remain in power past his mandate. Hence why I’m wondering why you’re talking about needing fighter jets to overthrow a government because that’s not what we’re talking about, nor is violent revolution always a prerequisite for a coup d’état.

  • Does anybody else find it a little sad that Ronny Jackson simps for Trump when Trump can’t even remember his name when talking about him? Or did he just change his name to Ronny Johnson so that the god-king doesn’t have to be wrong?

    I mean, I would find it sad if I weren’t completely out of sympathy for these Trump sycophants who let Trump talk shit about them publicly so that they can cling to power a little longer. Especially the shitheels who criticized Trump and now find themselves kissing the ring and bending the knee to get that VP nom.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldI'm getting old
    7 days ago

    Star Wars isn’t bad because of “woke” inclusivity. It’s bad because the people who were supposed to be responsible for carefully curating and engineering both the past and future lore of the universe were at the very best taking a maverick approach to storytelling and at worst actively trying to to sabotage the canon for the sake of their own selfish artistic pursuits.

    I don’t dislike the nu-trilogy because it makes an effort to include women and minorities in leading roles. I dislike it because it’s an incoherent mess of a story that doesn’t mesh at all with what came before it, and the only thing holding it together is the veneer of Star Wars, but only the parts that made Star Wars iconic and not necessarily the ones that made Star Wars good.

  • The problem with inflation is that the cat can never go back in the bag. Sure, the Fed says they have inflation “under control” at the moment, but it’s still way higher than where pre-covid projections predicted it would be at this time, and real wages have not nearly caught up to the increased prices that literally everyone who earns a paycheck for a living is feeling right now. High cost of groceries and gas will never go back to the way they were, and no matter who ends up sitting in the Oval Office next January, they won’t be able to change that fact.

    Workers across the country need to wake up and realize that they outnumber the owner class 10,000 to 1. A general strike could grind the entire nation to a halt and then they’ll start listening to what we have to say. The politicians in Washington have already signaled that they don’t care if average people can’t make ends meet and nobody is coming to save us, so we have to take matters into our own hands using the tools proven to work time and time again - worker organization.

  • This same thing happened at my company recently. We get tons of phishing and scam emails, and then one day another one shows up out of the blue with a very suspicious subject line, so I ignore it. IT guy had to jump on a meeting with the whole office the next morning to explain that yes it is a legit email so please stop reporting it and also please complete the training by clicking the link inside the email.

    Like, I feel like if you send your “training” email to people in the form of a well-known phishing scam email, there’s no need to ensure that they follow up with the training, because either they are tricked by the subject line and then directed to complete the email safety awareness training (presumably you would know who clicked on it to make sure they actually do complete it), or they’re intelligent enough to not click on it in the first place and thus already computer-literate enough to not get scammed by obvious bullshittery.

  • the right to bear arms exists to protect people from tyrants

    This is a complete fiction, a true American mythology that exists in the modern day.

    The right to bear arms was more about homestead defense against indigenous natives and foreign invading armies than it was for any kind of poison pill for Americans to topple their own government if they woke up one day and decided they don’t like who’s in charge anymore. The very notion that the founders would set up a new system of governance but be okay with the idea of baking in gun ownership rights to ensure that the people will always be able to conduct a violent insurrection as the vehicle for regime change is absurd.

    Everybody likes to ignore the “well-regulated militia” part of that amendment, conveniently ignoring that a well regulated militia would answer to the state or the federal government, the very force of tyranny that they claim they need the guns to defend themselves against.

  • Just another example of Joe Biden weaponizing the Department of Justice! …oh wait.

    In all seriousness, most people could see this result coming from a mile away. The prosecution had a solid case against him. I expect the justice system to hold everyone accountable for their actions, regardless of who they are. Republicans expecting us to do backflips to defend Hunter Biden as some sort of “gotcha” are completely out of their gourd. He earned this conviction through his own deeds, just like how Trump earned his.