WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?
WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?
I prefer to vote early, by dropping my completed ballot off at the appropriate location.
Thank you O’ Cog for your toothy, spinny perspective!
In which I learned that Helen Keller was trans…
So cars these days have anti-collision systems. One would think a million dollar boat, with millions of dollars in cargo, approaching a multimillion dollar bridge would have some sort of active sensing system to prevent a collision. That video shows the Dali strolling right into the support. It wasn’t a glancing blow, rather it was a direct hit. Either somebody f’d up big time, or major act of sabotage on US territory.
Wait, so standard orange color basketballs are made of Oompa Loompa skin? Gaahhhhhhh!!!
I’m not certain about rats specifically, and in humans the marijuana needs to be heated first before it will be psychoactive. If rats were eating marijuana, they’d probably want the seeds which are very nutritious. But marijuana grown for human consumption tends to not have a lot of seeds in it. So I’m with you, there’s some pilfering going on. Now, if one could train a nest of rats to enter the evidence room, and bring out MJ, then it would lower the amount of evidence to be brought to court. I’m just ‘spit balling’ here.
And everything was taken care of for you by your parents? And you had no clue about the conflicts in the world, because you were 7?
It’s in the jenes!
“Why is my house on fire again?” LoL
You posted this at 3:40pm Rulesday, in my time zone.
Huzzah! and furthermore, Here Here!!
We’ve got to stick to the important matters, or we’ll never get anything done. I mean geeze, they didn’t even specify which kind of rhino!! I mean there are 5 living species White, Black, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran, that range in size from 700 to 3200kg. All of which I’ve just learned from wikipedia in the last few minutes. Standards, dammit, we need STANDARDS!! :-D
Joke’s on you, I didn’t read the article. lol
Bananas are for scale, not mass. Gah! (lol)
Imagine how much plastic waste could be eliminated if we just boycotted these companies.