That is largely due to companies misusing the term because they want to hop on the ebike hype train but IMO, it does more harm to the micromobility industry than good.
That is largely due to companies misusing the term because they want to hop on the ebike hype train but IMO, it does more harm to the micromobility industry than good.
Not an ebike, but cool battery.
Emoto or escooter are words too, and they would have been more accurate. This is not an ebike, there are no pedals and calling it one is just straight up incorrect.
Definitely NOT an ebike, but still cool. Hopefully we will see this tech in actual bikes.
It’s all varying degrees of shitty, but Salesforce is a shit company. Not as bad as Oracle, but not good.
DAE think he looks like Will Farrel?
It is an imperfect system, but my comment was more about leaders not clinging to power to the detriment of society.
An incel wouldn’t even be having the conversation lol
Yeah, I’ve used “Talk to me, what’s going on?”
Not now, but in the future that was a possibility.
The Internet needs fewer Stalins and Hitlers and more George Washingtons.
Fresh or in house, depending on what you need. Edit: Maybe Zendesk too
I wish you the worst of luck, you are an awful company that makes finnicky garbage software. In my many years as an IT professional, I have never, at any point, heard anyone say anything positive about Salesforce, ever.
Fookan prawns.
“I don’t know Klaus, should we keep holding court at this Nazi bar?”
Vampire Hunters
Dead Cells
Gunfire Reborn
I hope you’re not Russian for the answer, I’m sure they’ll Putin a good amount of time investigating before we have an official repost.