“Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form”

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Considering the extreme risk involved despite the low odds, I would not.
    It is tempting and the odds of hitting that 1% on the first press are low, so the chance of a payoff is very good, but on the other hand, you won’t get any money if you hit that 1% first try, so even leaving money for loved ones is out of the question there.

  • Silicon isn’t a conductor, it’s a semiconductor. Also conductivity is dependent on temperature, hot stuff usually conducts easier, though some things conduct easier when they are colder. Even at the low voltage it’s more complicated than “Conductors” and “Insulators” we learn in those ultra basic electronics guides online (or in school if you’re lucky).

  • I’ve seem many people from Europe refer to communist parties and Russia as far left because they do embody certain socialist ideas that are leftist but take it well beyond the point of being a good thing, so in this regard yes they are far left. Thing is you absolutely can go way too far with any philosophy. I do agree that what they did with the political compass is good though because it reflects the actual nature of being an extremist socially while also representing the economic value, though in these situations they are still very far to the left of countries with economies that aren’t exclusively controlled by state (North Korea is a great example).

  • The issue is the server doesn’t use plugins since they had lots of issues after each update while using plugins and the maintainers decided it wasn’t worth it to maintain that. So as is it only has a script to minitor chat for commandts like :home :spawn :warp etc. and is otherwise completely vanilla.

    There are some downsides like that villagers don’t breed but they also do give out spawn eggs and occasionally spawners, so it’s still reasonably easy to renew villagers. Big downside is that farmers can’t replant crops, so all crop farms are manual.

  • The server I play on has Mobgriefing disabled and has had it disabled for many years since people would use creepers to blow holes in people’s walls and floors on purpose. Also ghasts were blowing up parts of the nether hub and gold farm (made of glass).

    They also disabled fire spreading because people were destroying stuff with it both intentionally and unintentionally.

  • I don’t own any flags myself, I only own pins. If I did own flags though I would iron them so they look nice.

    I don’t really plan on getting them though unless I can find at least an AroAce flag in the purple and green color scheme. Which I haven’t up until now, technically I couldn’t find a pin either but pins are easy to get custom made, flags not so much (at least I never looked into it).

  • I think it’s just very messed up, ultimately it doesn’t work against the real nasty people Reddit claims to be going up against because those people have bot armies that monitor their astroturf accounts so they know when the shadowbans happen and dump the account to move on to the next ones. No this system disproportionately affects the people who aren’t expecting it and probably don’t even deserve it.

    Also for braindead spammers it’s actually a terrible strategy because spammers’ purpose is both to annoy users and chew through your resources, even if they are shadowbanned and uploading multiple gigabytes of white noise they aren’t annoying people but they are chewing through bandwidth and CDN storage. IMO that’s not feasible long term, and wouldn’t even be initially feasible for most Fediverse services, hence why most basically just don’t do it.