Here from Reddit–might stay a while.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Another facet (at least specifically in America) is to de-stigmatize discussing personal income among the working class. We’ve been melt-brained hard to think it’s as private and taboo as discussing one’s most deep and darkest sexual kinks when really it’s just a tool of the owners to keep workers indentured in the wage-slave economy.

  • It was originally Garfield without Garfield which took the inimitable inability to tell a joke that Jim Davis is capable of and transformed the comic into (most of the time) an exploration of existential nightmare. It just doesn’t hit the same with Heathcliff because most of them are actually endearing and bizarre—without the cat for the physical gag it’s just kind of confusing and not much else.

  • No, it’s not a social construct, it’s a description of things that are consumed for nutritional value. Sure, “food” is a social construct in that it’s an English Language word used to describe said items, but every single life form consumes some form of food, regardless of said life form’s society (or more often lack thereof).

    Also there are literally objective things innate to certain objects that make them food so you’re entire initial premise is idiotic.

  • Because the cult is about the man, not the idea. Ron DeSantis tried to be just that (not saying he holds any of those qualities that you mentioned, just that he tried) and failed because no one cares about what Trump actually stands for (when you listen to Trump supporters talk about him, you’d think they would actually vote for democrats considering the issues they bring up—barring the worst of the worst racist, homophobic deranged individuals of course). At the end of the day, they just care about their god-lord little-hand long-tie orange-faced crybaby and the made-up grievances he’s had to endure and how that somehow translates to their own impending persecution.

    The reason the Democratic Party hasn’t does that is they hold the monopoly on milquetoast impotence in governing, as their corporate overlords have decreed.