I like star trek, so i give this an upvote even when i dont understand it.
I like star trek, so i give this an upvote even when i dont understand it.
My mother hears radio all day, cause its to quite at home if no one else is home and except that, the only place is car and at work but its mostly so loud at work or so much intergerence that you cant hear a thing. And maybe the super market if i dont have my own headphones on i get blasted with advertising radio of the supermarket. Nowhere else i hear radio.
Well its only a problem if its night and im drunk. A car wouldnt help except there is a not drunken driver.
Hi, im 26 years old and i have the money to get a car and make enough money to Use the car. But i dont have one, i use every day the train to get to work. 5 min with bike to the trainstation 31 min with the train, 5 min on foot to my work place, 5 min back to the trainstation, 22 min back with train and 10-15 min with my bike home. With a car I would need 38 min (gmaps). I pay 49€ in month and can use bus or trai In whole Germany. With a car it would be 66km per day. The car of our family uses 6,5 L/ 100km 66km = 4,29L × 20 (workdays) =85,8L * 1,82 (price per liter fuel)= 155,61€ and that is only the fuel with out the tax for the car insurance and not the wear out and without the 2 year controll checkup. And with that I can say train is faster and cheaper for me so I don’t need a car.
You fotgot taxes, repair and insurance costs…
The problem is more like that cars that use fossil fuels have a very much lower efficiency rate than electric cars. So theoretical if you use the same amount of FF for the energy production and use that for electric cars it would be more efficient. But that shouldnt be the solution.
Unter dem post hier sind ungefähr etwas mehr als die Hälfte deutsch. Das lobe ich mir.
Also ich wusste von Fisch memes in ich_iel aber nicht außerhalb. Verdächtig 🥸
When i go out i dont end up with a nose full of coke but if you like it than go for it.
Like in germany where a state made tax cuts but mostly the rich people will Profit from it.
Oh starfield so much wasted potential.
Tl:dr: starfield is loading screen the game.
I wanted to play it, because I wanted to play something like no man sky with real npcs and good voice acting and good gunplay fallout like not what no man’s sky has. I wanted really to ignore the bad stuff but I got so mad at this game, everything is a loading screen, to lvl sneak was impossible because enemies could see me and instant get agro even when they were on the opposite of the room (100m) and only my head was visible. How should I level sneak when I need to make stealth damage?! The story was hyped for science the vision of the artifact ended in disappointing after doing the first 2 missions. It was just fech quests and to much loading screens. Goes to planet, loading screen, lands on planet, loading screen, goes inside underground city, loading screen, need to go to another room of city, loading screen, aks where person is who I search, needed to go to another planets orbit, loading screen, sneak against ship in space worked, need to to another station, loading screen, docks station, loading screen, kill some enemies, need to go to another planets orbit, loading screen, shoot a ship to board it, board it, loading screen, kill some enemies, rescue a dude, go back to new Atlantis, loading screen, goes inside building to end quest, loading screen, quit game.
Luckily I didn’t buyed it and only used game pass, and even for that i got the money back after canceling the subscription.
Why does squinting your eyes work?! I wanna know!
I’m reading that with boost and I love it
And I would be like glad that I dont own a car. It’s to expensive to have one
In wich country are you voting and who is that on the sticker?