“Slaves do not dream of freedom. When their eyes sadden at the gleam of gold, they are not pining to be free. They want slaves of their own.”

  • Mogesh

“‘Xoros is the greatest bullfighter in the world,’ may be an obvious lie, but you are still tricked to believe Xoros fights bulls, or that he even exists at all.”

  • Birondelle

    • War of Omens
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I just don’t understand the logic here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all in favor of abolishing the Duluth Model and the requirement to incarcerate someone on a domestic violence call.

    But neither this situation, nor the story you linked to seems to have much to do with that policy.

    In both situations, the police acted completely out of bounds. It is a completely different problem.

    The story on the website was written in 2014 about an incident that happened in 1999, that’s almost 25 years ago. It can’t be considered relevant today. If there’s a real systemic problem of this kind, you should have at least a dozen cases like this every single year.

    Hopefully, in this most recent case we’ll get some body cam footage released so we find out what really happened.

    And also hopefully, the body cams is what will put this guy off the force forever. It’s the second time he seems to have done something like this, but I’d bet that the first time, body cams were not standard practice yet.

    Seems to me that the solution to stop this kind of thing from being a common problem is body cams, and that’s what we have.

  • There a ton of different ways to get laid. And depending on what your looking for, there are different requirements.

    Most commonly people who don’t get laid are looking for some level of intimacy with someone that actually finds them attractive. Which means that hookers are not an option.

    Commonly people in this category have two issues (I’m probably projecting :P, but I don’t have much to work on):

    1. Standards too high. Just like poor people try to become billionaires. Sexless people wish for a harem of super models. Practice flirting with less attractive women until you learn to connect with women on a deeper level which will make lowering your standards to reasonable levels easier.

    2. You’re unattractive. A bit similarly to #1, influencers and your own expectations for a partner are warping your perception of how attractive you need to be. Seeing as the level of attractiveness you wish you had is completely unattainable, you give up or you look for ineffective shortcuts.
      Don’t worry so much, work on the basics: good hygiene, not terrible clothes, some level of social competence, a minimal amount of confidence. The minimum requirements are far lower than what you’d expect or what most people would think.

    (Note being financially stable also helps in terms of minimum requirements for attractiveness, but it’s not like you need the incentive of getting laid to want to be financially stable).

    Keep working on both #1 and #2 and eventually they meet and you get laid and have a good time!

    1. I’ll sneak in a third point here. If you’re a man, your relative attractiveness automatically goes up until your 40s vs women of the same age. But the change is most noticeable when you hit your early 30s. So, worst case scenario, after a few years, the odds shift in your favor.