This is true; Bezos’s scheme is doing that. Better than doing nothing while they come up with a high frequency rocket of their own.
This is true; Bezos’s scheme is doing that. Better than doing nothing while they come up with a high frequency rocket of their own.
Unfortunately Europe has no competitior at present but more importantly they’re a long way from having a suitable (reusable, rapid cadence) launch vehicle. Ariane 6 is still not ready for prime time, the launch cadence can’t touch SpaceX, and the costs are higher. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/07/europes-first-ariane-6-flight-achieved-most-of-its-goals-but-ended-prematurely/
I’d leave Starlink in an instant if there was a reasonable alternative.
What brand are those power strips? Last time I went shopping for power strips, they were all the rage and I could hardly find one WITHOUT that feature. Today, several years later, I can’t find any. Except, perhaps, some Chinese ones without safety approvals. I need one for my tv.
There’s OneWeb, but it’s not for personal use unfortunately.