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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • If you are using a device to run multiple emulators, arguing the form factor is better than a phone in a single instance (Gameboy SP) is backwards. It’s like you’re conceding that a phone is better in every other way; which it absolutely is.

    Lmao what? You’re interpreting this way differently than what I said. I mean sure, phones today are far more powerful than the Anbernic SP, but let’s see here.

    If I put the two in my pocket (because the Anbernic SP is small enough to fit in a pocket just like a phone). If I want to game with my phone using some retro game, I have to get my phone, get that external controller from a bag (because there is no way in hell a controller can fit in a pocket, and even if you can, you look like a loser doing so), then finally attach that controller. You don’t see the problem here?

    An iPhone 4 from 2010 has 4 times the memory and twice the processing power required by an N64 emulator. It’s more than sufficient. Keeping in mind your original point was the cost of a smartphone capable of running said emulators was beyond the cost of these handhelds… Which is just not true; especially when a device from 14 years ago can do it.

    False equivalency fallacy. You are basically telling me that just because the iPhone theoretically has better specs means it can emulate N64 well, ignoring the emulation overhead. Not to mention I actually tried playing an N64 game on a jailbroken iPhone 4 decades ago only to find out the games are laggy.

    Also, what I said is still true. Let’s say that on average you can get a discounted deal for a retro handheld for 50 bucks (and some are even cheaper than that). Then let’s add to that argument that it already has everything set up for you vs. a second-hand phone (assuming the iPhone 4 doesn’t have a problem with N64 emulation). The average price on eBay right now is 30 bucks. Then let’s pair that with an iPega controller for that phone, which is around 27 USD on Amazon. That’s already 57 bucks, plus the effort of setting up and jailbreaking the goddamn thing.

    So $50 vs. $57 + effort. Yep, you are clearly right here.

    For the same money you can get a used smartphone from the last 10 years that runs all the games your rg35xxsp can and is also a phone. A person who has limited funds (your strawman) would be better off with a phone instead of these things.

    An iPhone 6 on eBay costs 60 bucks on average. Already way above the 50 bucks. But hey, at least this one can play N64 fine now.

    And you’re seemingly forgetting phones have the internet. I can just download any game I want wherever I am, rather than storing all of them all the time just in case you might want them.

    Yes, because the internet is accessible everywhere.

    How many games do you need at one time anyways? You clearly don’t want all of them because a large enough SD card to fit them is just overkill. But you aren’t satisfied with 100GB or so? So, what arbitrary amount have you decided you need to justify the addition of an SD card?

    Begging the Question. But let’s entertain that. Why would I be satisfied with 100GB when I already consumed a lot with offline videos and music? Not counting that I also use it for my personal photos and videos?

    I bought my gaming phone for playing mobile games. You know, where you play the games that were actually designed to be played on the phone. Some of these games even eat up 35GB so storage is gonna be an issue.

    And also since I mostly play mobile games that are designed to be played in a mobile phone, I don’t need to bring a controller just to play properly.

    And for the same cost, I can get a used phone bundled with a camera, internet, console, SMS, email, and a shitload more features. But you get an SD card, what a deal!

    No, it’s not a deal based on the math I did earlier. And good luck browsing the internet with that iPhone 4 of yours, lmfao.

    Pretty much everyone has a phone already that can do what this can, and your best argument for buying one of these things is the lack of an SD card. But in the same comment, you also argue that a large SD card is overkill.

    And so far, you aren’t bringing any aside from pulling the hasty generalization card by saying everything can be done by a phone.

    It’s pretty clear here that you are not asking what you’re missing with these retro handhelds’ popularity.

    It appears that you just came in here, already decided that retro handhelds are shit, and everything must be done via a phone. You started antagonizing everyone here and questioning their preferences (which is why you are ratioed so badly in this whole thread).

    I will just say what others have said: you are not the intended audience of these devices.

  • Could you give a reason?

    I just said, form factor. Anbernic rg35xxsp is the closest you can get to a Gameboy SP. Sure you could argue your Phone controller is far better but these GBA games where designed with the hardware and form factor they have in mind.

    My old iPhone 4 from 2010 could run n64 emulators just fine, low tier phones from the last 10 years can do pretty much everything this thing can do and a used one is definitely cheaper… Additionally if this strawman you have invented cannot afford a phone from the last 10 years they definitely cannot afford this thing.

    Your old iPhone4 can play N64 fine? Show it. Prove it here that your iPhone 4 can play n64 games without frameskip. no stutters, no sound jittering. Heck start with Super Mario Kart, then Mario 64, then what the hell, lets add Starwars Rogue Squadron in there.

    Because I am pretty much confident you are gonna have frameskips enabled just to even make the game playable.

    An SD card that can store all the PSP/N64/Dreamcast games would have to have more than 1tb of storage and cost anywhere from 180 to 700 bucks online… What world are you living in that this is a viable solution to the poor man who cannot afford a second hand phone.

    Because 180 to 700 bucks SD card you are referring to is a top of the line SD card meant for more powerful devices like the SteamDeck. You can get cheaper ones for less and even then 1tb is just overkill for that.

    Also you are totally missing the point here. With a phone, your storage is shared not just for games but with everything else. From videos you downloaded for offline use on your Netflix/Primevideo/HBO/Disney+ bullshit down to your offline music from Spotify and Youtube Music.

    Also not to mention these devices have SD cards bundled already so you don’t really need to buy one unless you opted for more storage to store more games on the go.

    What you are trying to argue here is that a niche luxury device is a solution to someone with limited income, and you are doing it with a straight face whilst arguing with someone that presents a cheaper/free option. Do you see an issue with that?

    Some people bought the device under 60 bucks. Then I will just also casually bring up again that these devices have SD cards already bundled to them so you dont even have to spent 180 to 700 bucks for storage.

    Sure this new device being advertised is speculated to be 99 bucks but its not like this is Anbernic’s first device. Im not gonna buy this one but since you asked about what you are missing.

    I’m gonna tell you straight to the face I bought my RG351v for 35 bucks in a discount with a 32gb + 128gb SD card bundled and these devices at discounted prices is what makes most people buy them.

    You could always argue that most mid tier phones can handle emulation way better than these dedicated handhelds and you are right.

    But to say that a 35 to 50 bucks dedicated handheld that can have 4 to 5 hours of battery life as a luxury compare to a phone controller which could cost the same if not more?

  • Two reasons.

    One is the form factor.

    While certainly my ROG phone plus gamesir is enough to even emulate this gen’s handheld games. It cannot beat playing a gba game on an Anbernic rg35xxsp.

    Second is that some owns a low tier or a very old phone and they don’t want to throw it away because it still works perfectly fine.

    So instead of spending 300 bucks for a decent mid tier phone replacement, plus accessories, spending 99 bucks is far more cost effecent.

    Then there is that storage issue. Some newer phones today no longer have an sd card slot for expandable storage.

    Plus some if not all of these handhelds are moddable as fuck too.

  • I wouldn’t say it breaks everything. Franky it fixes / handles better issues that are common usecases today that was not the case during the time X11 was still the norm / actively maintained such as:

    • Multiple monitor support with varied refresh rates
    • Hybrid GPU setup (including being able to use your motherboard’s hdmi socket and your dedicated gpu hdmi at the same time)
    • Display scaling
    • Better isolation of applications (to the deterrence of existing linux applications)

    Of course granted its a new protocol, it doesn’t support all the usecases that X11 was designed for due to variety or reasons (including controversial decisions)

    Mind you, Wayland isn’t perfect either. For example, I found out that despite Wayland having better Hybrid GPU setup support out of the box, there are applications that ended up having broken multi-gpu support (where the application in question can choose which gpu it would utilize for its processing) where it works fine X11.

    With the state of the hardware we are having, it is understandable why distros have been focused on pushing Wayland as the default, although honestly, it would be wise for these distros to not completely phase out x11 because currently, Wayland isn’t perfect.

  • Well what do you expect when all of a sudden they started making their own browser over contributing to Firefox.

    The entire reason why Chrome was created was for Google to push the web forward at their own pace. Away from the previous iteration that heavily relied on browser helper objects (plugins).

    Here we are though, Google having a huge influence over the spec. Mainly because the competition weeded out to only Firefox remaining.

    Sure, Edge might be considered competition for Google, but at the end of the day, Edge, Opera (unfortunately), Vivaldi, Brave, and similar browsers are essentially Chrome reskins.

    PS: I am considering Edge as a competition for Google as Microsoft is well known for being EEE (Extend, embrace, extinguish). But more importantly, they have the man power to maintain their own fork if things do get out of hand.