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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Oh man, this has to be the worst take I’ve seen from you yet, and you’ve said a lot of smooth brained shit already.

    I’ll rephrase this, just to illustrate how this is nonstick levels of brain smoothness.

    A violent gang is based in the next neighborhood over. A teenager in my neighborhood goes missing. Despite having no evidence the gang is involved, members of my neighborhood decide to go to that neighborhood to light the cars and houses of people unaffiliated with the gang on fire until the gang releases the teenager they may or may not have.

    Your brain is so smooth, you could be a koala.

  • Hey everyone, check it out! We have another pro-genocide Israeli apologist! Yeah, one of those dimwits that never bothered to question the nearly endless stream of easily disproven propaganda spewed out by the Israeli government. Now they think an entire group of people that is so closely related to them -and all other humans- as to practically be family is somehow sub-human and deserves to die… so they can take their land and possessions.

    Man, I can’t even imagine being that stupid, but it’s sure going to suck when their children’s children start to realize their grandparents actually managed to be worse than Nazis.

  • Aleric@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldIt's nothing
    3 months ago

    I never understand why people think whataboutism arguments actually mean anything. Do they do this at home too? When their significant other suggests they need to do a better job picking up after themselves, is their first response about how the neighbour across the way is a bit messy so it doesn’t matter?

  • That’s a lot of words and quotes when it would have been a lot faster to simply say:

    “I am unable to contradict anything you said without pulling points out of context, completely disregarding others, and (my favorite of all) ending with a point that not only has been contradicted multiple times elsewhere, but is directly, stunningly contradicted by the very article we are commenting about.”

    Thanks for the laugh, mate. You yanks are drowning in your kool-aid while screaming at anyone offering help that you’re Olympic swimmers.

  • Resemble a monopoly, yes, in the way a horse resembles a zebra. They might look similar but are decidedly different. Let’s break it down.

    Private care monopoly: having no competition to lose business to, cuts corners as much as possible, maximizing profits while degrading quality of service. Can be ostensibly held to standards of care by local authorities but, being the only option, can often tell them to piss off.

    Socialized hospital: being neither beholden to shareholders nor having a profit motive, has no financial incentive to cut corners provided the hospital is adequately funded. Funding is often contingent on achieving standards of care. Government can step in and reform underperforming facilities.

    Given your previous replies, I suspect I’m going to regret this comment, but I’m feeling like rolling the dice.