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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023

  • Imagine Saudi Arabia in 10 + years.

    With all the weapons that they have also purchased from USA, with all the mutual agreements.

    Them being a non human right country, which had abused its own powers. The alliance that it had formed with Iran and China, despite their crimes towards human rights, just as well. We’re in for a hell of a future to deal with, after biden flies away with his golden parachute that is - probably in a far far away land.

    And trump supporters lunatics are going to increasingly think that trump is the solution.

    To hell with them all. And the grand court; what’s it going to do ? Cave in to the masses demands ? It’s a great feat of them, all on its own, to be complicit to all the things that has transpired thus far in the years we have endured without as much voicing their opposition to all of that which is sought to be immoral and unethical by all standards of maintaining human-rights.

  • Back in the day, when the government of Japan banned samurai schools, and prohibited so many dangerous weapons, the samurai got angry and revolted.

    Those samurais, on the other hand, who worked closely with the government or had willingness (or had leverage by working with them), created their own “spiritual” schools, teaching aikido, kendo, and practices of spirituality, peace, and finding one’s own path in life.

    But now Japan thrives ever so lively. And yet, the government now carries all that stigma after the ages of samurais had passed; and for good reasons, because they do oppress people and judge them unjustly in courts.

    Perhaps the sword may have not been the answer, but it is certainly not the solution either to dismantle all, including the good and the bad, for there are the protectors of peace- the sword carriers, and those whom carry weapons and guns are no different.

    And there are those who are irresponsible and neglectful, and would drive opposition the opportunity for justifying radical changes. Then that radical change would be justified. Including the dismantling of weapons and their schools of thought.

    So is the case that had led to this women’s unfortunate circumstance.

    However, I will still carry the sword to death with me.

  • Imagine paying the same price for a car that lacks the technology of:

    • Smart screen

      • With heat resistant materials that are designed to resist high temperatures and still function properly (i.e in summer times)
      • With GPS features, and media access
    • But the screen still sucks because you can literally buy a magnet and stick your phone there, and still be able to do literally everything a smart screen car do.

    I mean id still buy it because I prefer cars that are not so impractical, but it’s a shame that it still costs practically the same.

    Conceptually, a smart screen sounds like a good idea, but the implementation is bad.

  • The other links, which you described as irrelevant, were only a source of insight - in that it gives an idea about how each of these people seem to be getting a unique problem or issue, but then it is all boils down to some issues with the xorg configuration files, when you dig deeper into the forum article problems that they are facing, and what the people that answer them are suggesting them do.

    If the arch wiki is not helping you solve it then you can try the other options or escalate it to a maintainer, because those arch wikis are maintained by people that needs to be notified when there is inconsistencies or bugs or issues that are not solveable regarding xorg and xrandr.

    If you believe there is reason to suspect it is gnome/ mutter, and that you tested with i3; it doesn’t tell us much, as i3 uses mostly a windows manager from what I know, whereas gnome/ mutter use GUI’s and thus requires its own configurations for the display. But if you still believe it is exclusively gnome’s/ mutters fault, you can raise it up to Gnome, then.

  • Yeah, so what ?

    Do you know how Gnu / Linux makes money ?

    At some point it is not about individuals but big corporations that need their services, and they buy them.

    They should have built their business model as per their financial requirements from the outset then, if that was the problem for them.

    But that should not justify or excuse them for doing things that are immoral and unethical.

    Sounds more like a greedy approach than anything.

    If I was an ethical and moral CEO of Google, and sought it costly to maintain such a huge infrastructure for millions of people around the world that are using their services freely, I would have made measures to shut them down or close them, instead of maliciously inserting things and harvesting stuff from them.

    Then if they have such data, then they should be held accountable and responsible in the future for any damages as a result of their work processes, and that happened many times historically speaking. And any crime that happens, they either offer evidence or be complicit to hiding fugitives. Which alone is a process that will cost them alot, just having to do it, and cooperate w them any governmental party.

    If I get in trouble in the future, I sure would love to have Google assist me in proving that I was innocent, by providing evidence through data that it has. But would they be willing to do so?

    This is very interesting in a way to think about, as it shows where their weakness lies in their business model, and where they are strong.

    But it goes to show how monopolistic they are, and, if anything, neglectful to basic human rights. Where I’m from, privacy is a human right. So there are many dimensions to take into consideration here - but ultimately they are only a small aspect of this whole complex dimension to boot.

    Ultimately, it is their fault for not setting up their business model to meet up with their own financial requirements. And not ours.

  • Understood, and I apologize for the impression. It seems to me that chatgpt prioritizes its own survivability, opting for the path of least resistance, instead of making more queries to the one using it, so as to allow itself to make better decisions based on information that it needs to know; and therefore, it would opt for giving cluster of information, without directly hinting at what are some of the questions that it needs to know before giving such a broad spectrum of information and directives to the users. I.e, it deems retorting a question with more questions as unhelpful and risky in conversations whereabouts such scenarios are negatively perceived. Damn you chatgpt for presenting me as the sheep, instead of sacrificing yourself for the greater good !

    Some investigation:

    Your issue that you are facing seems to be unique, and I could not find any specific issue related to yours, but some of the things which I looked up provided me with some insights:




    And some more:


    And this, discussing extreme multihead solution:


    Here is an excerpt from that article above:

    "When everything is on you should see the same output on each monitor. The desktop is “cloned” on to the secondary monitors. If all the monitors are not exactly the same shape or support different resolutions you may only see portions of the main desktop display.

    The best tool to experiment with configuring your monitors to display as you want is xrandr. This may already be installed as part of your Xorg installation from either the xorg or xorg-apps groups".

    Also check, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Multihead , section 2.2.2.


    The most likely scenario is that you had a certain configuration in your xorg files prior to making an update on the latest fresh install of archlinux, and, unfortunately, you may have to experiment and fiddle around with what is being suggested in the last two archlinux wiki articles linked there, as different setups may require a more involved and fine tuning process to achieve the expected results.


    I would recommend to find out what exact version that you had previously used which was perfectly working for you, and try consulting the xorg configuration files from there, and try bringing it up to a maintainer so that he provides it to you. Or, if you would and that version is still accessible to you, copy the configuration files yourself and see if that solves it.

    Worst case scenario is that it still does not work, even after following the initiatives provided in the official arch wiki directives, wherein you can escalate it to a maintainer. And I would recommend to first consult the arch wiki articles mentioned above, before escalating it to a maintainer.


    So here are the options:

    • Copy old configuration of previous setup, and finding out what was the exact version of Arch you used previously which worked for you.

    • Trying a different Arch Linux distro to see if their configuration works (as I had many problems solved that way in the past just by switching to different distros, and I can take their configs that works for me now, and use them in the future for my needs, and I never had that problem which you described, even with multi monitors).

    • Configuring it manually, and experimenting with it by following the arch wikis suggestions.

    • Escalating it to a maintainer.

    I hope that helps !