They say that getting squeezed can release fealings of anxiety. Imagine how good it must feel getting crushed by titanic depth pressure.

    6 months ago

    Suleman, the teenage student, was terrified of the dive but ended up going with his dad because he trusted him and it was the Father’s Day weekend.

      6 months ago

      I feel for him, and for his mother who gave up her seat so he could go. Fuck the billionaires but he was 19 - I can’t feel any humour about his death, or for what this must’ve done to his mother.

      I’m sure the others had family members too who have gone through hell while the world laughed.

      We can have compassion for those people while still shrugging at the stupidity of the willing dead.

      6 months ago

      The real problem was just the person making it being too cheap/lazy to do any sort of safety certification on the submarine (and also picking the cooler sounding material over the one best suited to build a submarine). Don’t blame it on logitech.

        6 months ago

        Using an off-the-shelf gamepad for the controls was part of that cheap/lazy design philosophy.

        Of course a Logitech pad isn’t a good idea to drive a submarine. It isn’t meant to be one.

      6 months ago

      You could also think iy from other point of view. Even the cheapest logitech controllers are so excellent you could use them in a submarine! /s

    6 months ago

    The only person I legitimately felt bad for was the teenager. Like, I’m mortified he went on there at the behest of his parents. It was a sad event all around, but I was still overjoyed it was a rich asshole killing other rich assholes.

    Seeing Stockton Rush’s name next to Thomas Midgley Jr, though, does make me smile.

    6 months ago

    This comment section is crazy. I understand that they were most likely rich assholes and as time has told, most rich people haven’t contributed too much to the world except class separation and hoarding comfort to the loss of common people.

    But people died because one asshole decided this was a good idea, lives were literally lost and everyone here is mentioning how fun that is and how great it is that human beings have died in a horrific way. Imagine the anxiety and hopelessness they’ve must’ve felt during their last moments and people seem to cherish that fact more than anything else.

    It’s disturbing to see people talk about deaths this way, no matter who that death concerns.

      6 months ago

      They probably didn’t feel a goddamned thing. There was no hopelessness or dread. They just suddenly died, which is probably a decent way to go.

      6 months ago

      There was no anxiety or panic. They imploded faster than you can react. They literally never realized they were dying.

        6 months ago

        There was no anxiety or panic.

        Eeeh, gonna have to disagree with you there, buddy.

        It didn’t implode completely without warning while they were just cruising.

        They knew they were in trouble for about a minute according to reports. I’d say being in any sort of trouble in a sub like that would make me anxious.

        That being said I don’t think people are really celebrating people having died (despite them having been rich assholes), but because this is a very clear and very felt example of how thing like these should be done by and for humanity as a whole instead of some uppity rich ppl who think they’re above everyone else. Same thing with space exploration. Private enterprises won’t really cut it. They can emulate things achieved by nations, but they can’t pioneer shit, really.

          6 months ago

          That’s a good point, I forget that they had some issues about a minute before the implosion. Still, I’d take that death over a whole pile of other options.

      6 months ago

      It’s the poorly built sub some dumb fuck billionaires died in. The world was mocking their death before they even confirmed they were dead.

      It was delicious.

        6 months ago

        The internet was so ruthless almost immediately on this one. I feel like every newsworthy event has detractors and defenders but this submarine business had literally everyone shitting on them the second the news broke. In a sick sort of internet way it was practically wholesome.

          6 months ago

          There were some bootlickers asking for decency but nah. This was basically billionaires paying an obscene amount of money for the most spectacular group suicide of the last 10 years and decency was already off the table after the word “billionaire”

            6 months ago

            When the news broke, we were talking about it at work (trust me, I’m an engineer) and looking at the design scratching our heads.

            Then someone says “that main body is made of carbon fiber!” All of us started laughing in hysterics, then someone goes “yummy yummy crab food!” and it just got worse.

            It was hilarious watching interviews with the owner, who had zero formal engineering training, talk about how he was a rule breaker and maverick, and how rules were just holding back his amazing design. Dive a little deeper (har har), and every actual trained engineer he hired was almost immediately fired for calling out the poor design and material.

            He settled on an 18 and 19 year old kid (not the one that got squished) as his engineers. I can’t even comprehend how this was even allowed to happen, but appreciate the memes.

              6 months ago

              Even the choice of colour was an interesting one. “Should we make our submersible brightly coloured like every other submersible in the world? In case we are stuck floating barely above the surface of the ocean, literally bolted shut inside this tube?” “Nah, let’s do white and grey, looks more modern.”

              6 months ago

              It was allowed to happen because there are no regulations covering these submarines, especially in international waters. Safety is generally opt-in because the people who commission them intend to use them, so of course they’ll listen to engineers and do it right.

              Of course sometimes you’ll get someone so far up their own ass that they can’t hear anything except their own farts.

              You can also see the move-fast-and-break-things bullshit in what he said. That mentality sort of works for software development but silicon valley is exporting it into realms where breaking things means killing people.

        • As Behind the Bastards elaborated Stockton Rush got a bit mad scientist about it and ignored all the deep-sea experts that were telling him the carbon fiber shell was deteriorating even from the test dives.

          It didn’t have standard safey mechanisms. For example, the door could be opened from the outside only. There was no emergency escape (say, in the event of an emergency surface situation.)

          Rush laughed at safety, but then he went down in it, so full mad science cred.

          The billionaires could afford to hire a team to do due diligence to make sure they would safely come back, and lawyers to tell them to do due diligence. But the kid and the family didn’t. Superrich families often are super-dysfunctional.

          So now, to get Stockton Rushed is to be sold a ride or experience for a conspicuously high price. And that kills you, like eating at the Hawthorn.

        6 months ago

        nah nah, the sub was not build “poorly”, it was just build with cheap and “lightweight” components!1!

        now seriously i can understand ppl to try new components, technics etc. and going to such dives with your own build vessel is way more adequate than sending only others to dive with your deathtraps.

        however what annoys me the most is that press was talking about an “engineering” failure and seemingly still most are saying so (at least i did until now not read someone saying it was not an engineering failure). In engineering you do tests, not only a functioning test, but also you test for durability and fractures, and you do that until you have at least good statistics to rely on how to schedule fracture tests of the components that face stresses or are important like fan blades in airplane engines, which are checked for fractures in regular maintenance intervals. but from what i know is that Rush was explicitly asked to let the carbon hull be tested for fractures which he then declined with management reasons in mind, that it would cost money and delay the success. thus to m it was a management decision, not an engineering failure.

        And that one point that billionaires are involved, for me just puts the death into question. as rich ppl tend to want to get more richiness and some(all?)times like to betray and abuse, my first guess would be that the death could have been faked for getting things like extra insurance money, new identity etc. all they would have needed to do was to have another ship to help them, dive low to the other ship, get out of it, take their sound comm with them and put the sub into auto dive. answer some comm messages while they leave the site and make the sound comm look like they are as far away as they should be diving right now. if there weren’t billionaires, i would not think of such. but an intent to disappear could explain the management decision to skip all testing for fractures, would explain the rough towing behind the starting vessel and all other ignorances. but in this case they would not have been squished and not been idiots, just ordinary criminals. and in this case the success would be a hit-and-run instead of long time going to market, seeking other richies risky and stupid enough to dive that deep in a carbon vessel… to me everything i’ve heared just makes sense if that was a faked death, otherwise it all just does not make enough sense. or with other words: “a stupid billionaire wanting to do engineering but also not wanting to do so despite beeing in unprecedented material/rough terrain and actually asked to do fracture tests for security then fireing the engineer while having good intentions to allow for “cheap” touristic deep dives accidently killed himself by his own stupidity but was at the same time wise enough to put everything into place so the ‘passengers’ would not even have been ‘passengers’ officially but like engineers involved in building the vessel so that it could not even officially have been a commercial but only experimental vessel including all ppl on board where also everyone agreed on the exact risk that also actually happened in a place where the laws of his country do not count and the actual incident would also remove all evidences in one go” … if such a description does not make you scratch your head… and thats why i doubt they actually have been squished. For my “the removal of all evidences” … some explanations showed that it is unlikely that anything in the sub would not just beeing squished but also cut by a myriad of carbonfiber hull fragments while beeing sharp and harder than bones coming towards the inner of the sub at a very high velocity and such million cut pieces of human remains could quickly be carried away or just eaten up while hardly beeing able to be identified as human any more. thus my doubts about death maybe beeing just faked would highly depend on the actual results of DNA analysis of the recovered human remains while dna analysis seems unlikely to happen as there is no official doubt who was in that Vessel in the first place… help, i am stuck in a looop!

            6 months ago

            lets see on wikipedia, what a conspiracy is:


            A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between people (called conspirers or conspirators) for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder, treason, or corruption, especially with a political motivation,[1] while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it.

            so there seem to be some mayor points:

            • for what purpose or motivation was it (unlawful or harmful)?
            • under what surroundings (like breaking laws that were in effect)?
            • what would be done? (like murder,treason,corruption)
            • from whom would it be hidden?

            purpose: unlawful or harmful? i suggested a purpose, thats right. wether a billionaire NOT dying actually is harmful is worth a separate discussion, but having a plan to not die in a submarine “accident” by itself would usually rather be considered a rescue, not causing harm. did physical harm to persons happen in the story that i suggested? nope, the opposite would be true. but would it have been unlawful? on open seas leaving a vessel that is about to sink usually also is not considered an unlawful action. also to consider something to be unlawful, at least some law about the happening would need to have been in effect. this could maybe be answered with the question under which countries flag the submarine was registered with. For most or all ship accidents one can hear in the news like ‘a ship under panama flag’ (or literally any other country) which i did not hear a single time for the sub. also the sub was not even “transported” by the supporting vessel to the site but towed, thus it could be considered a completely separate vessel under assumingly no flag at all. talking about unlawfullnes of actions in international territory seems a bit offtopic. but i guess that these oceanic laws have very few laws about any unlawfulness of leaving your own sub before letting it implode.

            now of course there are other people involved. family members may suffer the loss. but as for my suggested imaginary story line the persons that simply left the vessel would not contact their family any more at least for some time. but is it unlawful to not contact family members? i guess not. it might be unlawful to claim youre dead (wtf) but that is not what would have happened in the imagined story line i suggested to make much more sense to me. in that scenario other people (like gov agencies) would do that claim. not preventing gov to do false claims is usually not considered unlawful by govs that do false claims, otherwise … well that would be a very!! different story haha.

            not telling anyone to still be alive may be odd, but not unlawful by itself. if one has a contract with an insurance company that states such an obligation, it would be failing to comply with a contract but not necessarily “unlawful” as such a contract is not a law, but a contract and might state like loss of insurance if one failed to comply. but then even if not telling your insurance company to still be alive is maybe a crime within the us, outside of it things could be very different especially when not in any country at all. like some laws do not count in some countries and thus doing so is not unlawful there.

            would the intent to get a new identity, dropping the old one be harmful or unlawful? Not directly, there are lawful ways to get new identities in many countries on the world, most of them are pretty lawful and mostly the harm had then already been done to the person that gets the new identity. so i guess the intent of getting a new id is neither harmful nor unlawful and could simply be a formal process within the laws of the destination country. it could even be part of a process to protect persons who are in danger and law enforcement said, that a billionaire to get abnew id should also do something to disappear also in the minds before getting their new id and thus it could be completely possible that disappearing is in compliance with the law to protect a person who claimed to have been in danger and needed a believable disappearance for their security.

            now to me it looks like i found some good arguments how the imaginary story line was neither harmful nor unlawful. and also described that it could be argued that no laws were in effect that would apply and make a life rescue mission an unlawful event in the mids of the ocean. even laws could actually have been used in compliance with gov entities to protect someone from an imaginary danger in this imaginary case.

            in theory i could say that its not a conspiracy what i suggested as main factors do not apply or at least do not have to apply and i should be done now but lets look at the other points for the sake of completeness:

            murder: wouldn’t have been done, but the exact opposite: saving lifes. again, discussion if rescueing billionaires could be considered harmful to the rest of the world, would be a bit too offtopic and not even in question here.

            treason: wikipedia has a definition about that too:

            Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance.

            Now i do not see a state beeing attacked in my imaginary story.


            Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted in a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one’s personal gain.

            i don’t see a person or organization which was entrusted in a position of authority being dishonest in my imaginary story line. which authority was given to rush or oceangate? or which involved organization did something dishonest? none? so no corruption took place.

            same is with that “political motivation” mentioned in wikipedia about conspiracy, i do not see a political motivation involved in what i wrote.

            i’ld say there is no conspiracy in the suggested imaginary story i wrote, as not even one of the major points of a conspiracy would match at least a little bit. it would possibly be near to a crime, but without a law beeing in effect, it cannot be called a crime, right? so the story i wrote is not about a conspiracy.

            did i overlook something? or are you just completely wrong?