Meme transcription: A table comparing the steps to start a game ‘then’ vs. ‘now’.

Content of the “Then” column:

  • Double-click GAME.exe
  • Play game

Content of the “Now” column:

  • Launch Steam
  • Steam updates

  • Steam opens

  • Close Steam’s ad window
  • Select Game
  • Game launcher starts

  • Game launcher launches Game launcher updater

  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Ok
  • Would you like to sign up for our newsletter?

  • No
  • Our EULAs have changed. Please review them before continuing

  • Scroll
  • Scroll
  • Scroll
  • Scroll
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes, sell my soul
  • Start game
  • Skip vendor intro
  • Skip vendor intro #2
  • Skip vendor intro #3
  • Sit through nVidia The way it’s meant to be played
  • Skip opening cutscene
  • Main menu opens

  • Would you like to connect your Steam account to account?

  • No
  • Press play.
  • Play game.
  • Altima
    1 year ago

    The fact that the “then” is missing so much of the bullshit we dealt with back then shows whomever made this “meme” never gamed back then.

    There’s also the issues with your disks getting corrupted, discs getting scratched, or losing them because they came with so goddamn many.

      1 year ago

      Same type of kid whom believes every single game worked perfectly on release and didn’t need patches back then.

      Sorry bro you only remember the Gems. At least a game isn’t getting released that will delete your OS when you uninstall it.