I’ve got 3 on my list.
- BT-PAN Access Point - Kinda ridiculous, but I’d like to have one. I’ve also found a few BT-PAN-enabled dial-up modems, but I’d have no way to connect those up. Some of those could even be connected to USB printers for wireless printing. Not particularly useful anymore, I just find those devices interesting.
- Dot matrix printer - This one isn’t even as ridiculous. I really love that sound and how the text they print looks. Sadly, if I am looking for new ones, a basic 9-pin Epson dot matrix is around €200. But the ribbons are cheap as chips. In fact, often even cheaper. Just imagine casually handing out a document printed on dot matrix to someone nowdays.
- Nano pocket drone - Something like FQ777-124. Maybe a toy like that is a bit childish, but it still can be fun. In fact I already tried to order this one. From 4 different sellers, twice on AliExpress, twice on Amazon. I never got it :(
Same deal with the typewriter, tbh. It’s always been one of the things that I want to buy if I get to have “a large amount of money.” I used to have a fairly small one way back then, and it’s small and portable enough to be stowed into some corner of my room when not in use, but it’s a bit finicky to use. It’s also one of those cheap ones that came out in the mid-90’s, back when electric typewriters (and computers) started eating away at its niche.
As for the scooter, I think it’d be a lot more useful to me. I can use it for weekly errands (groceries and whatnot). For the leisure rides I really want it for though, I should probably want a beefier one (with more range etc.). Btw, what is an acoustic bike?
It’s a joking term for a non-electric bike.
Ah~ Hahahahaha! Thanks! That one wooshed way over my head. Some of those can be pretty acoustic tho.